Special Solari Report: A Sovereign State Bank and Bullion Depository for Tennessee with Senator Frank Niceley

2 years ago

Like Texas, Tennessee is also working away from criminal counterfeit globalist debt enslavement. The globalist crime syndicate are purposely destroying the worldwide "economies" and the "financial" system, as we know/knew it, so that they can then replace it with their Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) CONTROL SYSTEM, which will give the private globalist central banking crime syndicate complete and total control over every human's life, as well as over all life on the planet. CBDCs can, and will, "turn your car, your home and your community, into a digital concentration camp."

"We're talking about the end of human freedom, and centrally controlled, through the financial system."

Catherine Austin Fitts discusses this topic of moving away from what is now so rapidly being implemented globally, with Senator Frank Niceley.

November 18, 2022

Source: https://home.solari.com/special-solari-report-a-sovereign-state-bank-and-bullion-depository-for-tennessee-with-senator-frank-niceley/

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