JOANNA IATRIDOU 2nd Nov 2011 AMMACH PROJECT ARCHIVES-Interview Series 1 13 27' published 9 10 22

2 years ago

In re-editing these videos, I also learn again, about these fascinating experiences, and the context of them. Essentially, I am tidying up the audio - editing for a better flow and comprehension of what is being conveyed, which is a huge job, an arduous undertaking.

Joanna was born in Greece and spent most of her life in the UK. She sadly left this plane in the recent years, and seems to have ended her life experience being caught up as what is known as a T.I. - targeted individual, which I understand the reality of, an horrific thing to find yourself on the end of. I read Dr John Hall's 2009 book, A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America, which for anyone who thinks this is not a reality, then, I urge you to read this highly educated man's personal account....

Joanna's experiences began at 4 years old, with the emergence of shadow beings as companions, but with a twist...her awareness of their hatred aimed at her was beyond her comprehension, until in later years, she explored past lives, and came to know this hatred for the child she was at the time, related to something which she was part of, where, centuries previously...many were killed and she was part of that, it seems karma is never far away.

Joanna's ongoing experiences from a young age were she felt, because she was highly attuned, being vegan, and practising yoga and meditation from childhood. Having found herself in unpleasant situations in the astral and otherwise, she knew she had to tune herself down...the opposite of what most strive for, which helped...

From being held in an ET grey body, where she was subjected to what she said was torture by a pharaonic type being, to meeting angels, whatever you think about her experiences, they were out of the box more than most.

There is a lot that Joanna talks about here and some of it is not easy to take on board, and out of most people's understanding or experience, and her speech style made it more challenging, which is why I've spent the time doing a re-edit....but Joanna certainly provides some food for thought, and is worth the hour or so of your time.

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