I Join a Tribe! Karo Festival. Garden Harvest. Walking at night. Fried Bananas. Land. Summer 2022

1 year ago

This summer has been crazy! Githa went to Batam and Malaysia to look at the job market there. I joined the Batak Karo tribe and Sembiring Clan. I traveled deep into the mountains of the Aceh forest to look at potential sites for building our school. In the end, it seems the remoteness is a problem. We will look for land closer to Pematangsiantar to build our school. We can always bring students from the mountains to live with us.
Enjoy taking a look into our daily lives, and the events of this summer. Two of our students (Orissa and Putri) have moved to a high school in Medan. We miss them very much. And Elya is at a college preparing to go to Germany to become a chef. Lady is in Bali, she's preparing to get married soon.
And our next video we'll be looking at some new adventures and opportunities that have been happening this Fall.

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