NWO genocidal psychopathic elite planning 99% extermination using 3 world wars & betrayal & massacre

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (November 2022). The Illuminati NWO will carry out three world wars to set up their one-world government tyranny genocidal psychopathic 99% depopulation agenda. They will exterminate the dissidents first, then the humans next, then the humanoids, then the rival factions, then the eugenics listed categories, then the ethnic groups, then their own people, then all free-thinking free-willed organic & higher dimensional life forms. Then the replacement with automaton life form hive-mind Borg society will come. You have been warned. The pastors and fake shepherds are hiding this from their church donators and 6 billion humans and enemies and all life forms in the universe, because they are afraid of assassination attempts and ridicule from their church donators. Satan Lucifer controls all their church donators’ minds, so if the pastors preach the truth, their church donators will leave their church in anger & terror & disgust. This is treachery to all life forms. Being filled by the Holy Spirit is not euphoric warm cuddly loving emotions in Satan Lucifer’s fake Christian church worship music, but being filled by the Holy Spirit is speaking the truth out amidst horrific persecutions to carry out God’s righteousness and holiness and mercy and grace and Jesus’ self-sacrificial love and warning. Where is your heart, dear brethren? Fight for the Lord and his people! God’s order of the day is, “Attack, attack, attack, expose, expose, expose, and hunt down the enemy and all those who do evil against our God.” Repent and receive Jesus as Savior, and make straight the way of the Lord! End of transmission…

Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble pesticide extermination hell’s army was dumping chemtrails in the sky yesterday when I walked outside, so there was strange long strips of clouds in the sky yesterday. It looked like a fallen angel’s reptilian claw. Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble vibrator hell’s army was vibrating my throat and the flesh-eating bacteria biochemical weapon they infected me with as soon as I went to sleep, so I was coughing when I woke up and my voice is still hoarse and now my right ear is affected. Their “thorn in the flesh” entities or “spirits of infirmity” were making croaking noises all the time in my throat and windpipe, so I rebuked them in Jesus’ name and told them to get out of my body and stop vibrating my body and causing the coughing. I had tested last night by inverting the massage machine on its back which has no protrusions or indentations but has a flat surface. Therefore, as I told you yesterday they will always think of a way, Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble pervert astral molester hell’s army had pulled the top layer left diagonal rope off, and had pulled my penis half way out from the bottom of the massage machine. They probably used their demonic telekinetic powers to pull the penis halfway out from the bottom. In the morning, when I woke up several times, it seemed they were vibrating my genital very subtly and fondling my genital subtly, in order to not be noticed. I think it is their PSYOP to make me believe they are playing around with my genital. Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble heartache hell’s army was vibrating the heart when I woke up, so that my hands were numb from restricted blood flow. Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble racket making hell’s army woke me up with the dog barking non-stop upstairs, because today is a holiday and the construction workers in the bankrupted vacant hotel’s parking lot in front are not there today. I prayed and the dog stopped barking. They were attacking me in front of the computer while making this daily sermon video, because my palms and soles of my feet and armpits were sweating out.

Photos at: https://mewe.com/i/chapihezver
Photos at: https://gab.com/humanracesurvivalresistance
Photos at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100018513877047

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