☢️WW3 Alert: Urgent message from The American FPP

2 years ago


Shit is hitting the fan in the Ukrainian capitol, Kiev. The Russians are pounding the city with rockets and conventional cruise missiles.

Troops are amassing on the Belarus-Ukrainian border.

Forces are inbound from heavy units in Russia, heading South-West from Moscow to the central-Northern Ukrainian Border. It looks like they are getting ready for a major counter-offensive and force re-entry into Kiev.

The Russins have nearly delegated command and maneuvering of multiple reserve and regular army forces to military advisors and security contractors from Wagner group.

Wagner is basically the equivalent what Americans would have known as "Blackwater" -- Wagner does the same stuff for the Russian FSB as Xe/Constellis does for the CIA. Essentially they are a private army of former military operators, analysts, and specialists.

It looks like Russian Commanders are maneuvering their heavy and established military forces into an offensive attack posture with Western Ukraine being the objective.

They are delegating operations in the East and South-East annexed/contested regions to Wagner advisors and commando units. The reserve and newly formed units will be doing a lot of that heavy lifting in the close-combat and conventional force engagements all along the Eastern region.

Russia is about to send wave after wave after wave of fresh regular army and air units into the North and Western-side of Ukrain, and I would expect a massive naval and aerial bombardment of Odessa and coastal forces; followed by scores Russian Paratroopers and a shore landing in the South.

China will now attack and secure both Hong Kong and Taiwan.

What will happen in Ukraine going forward into our US Election will be leveraged by our political candidates polarize support for the Ukrainian Government, instead of Ukrainian Civilians, as the headline victims.

What I mean by that is: The Biden regime wants to put conservatives on the spot for going against any further military or financial support for Zelenskyy in "his moment of need" - which that useless, spineless leader needs not one more penny or bullet from our tax payers.

The attacks on Russian pipelines and the Crimea Bridge were calculated and designed to invoke the strong response that Kiev is experiencing right now.

I want to make it clear that we are all praying for the safety of civilians in this conflict, and we should all be sensitive to the economic disaster and life-altering crisis this experience has inflicted upon everyone in the region.

Ukraine does not need any more money or military aid however.

What needs to happen is a diplomatic summit and agreement that Western forces - mainly anti-ballistic missile technologies, are not going to be deployed anywhere in Ukrainian or Polish or other near-Russian locations.

Another UN-supervised annexation vote should be welcomed by the Russians in all five contested regions - so that the people can once again vote to join/re-join the Russian Federation.

Then the International Community needs to respect that - Abd ALL Ukrainian forces and any other forces in the region need to stand-down.

If that does not happen, there will be a rapid, violent deterioration of global security. That will extend into the US, Taiwan, North Africa, the Korean Peninsula, Western Europe, Central America, and India's Chinese and Pakistani borders.

This is honestly, not an exaggeration, the headwaters of WW-III unfolding moment by moment.

Stay focused on our US election and showing up to vote. The only chance we have to literally save the world is to vote these insane globalist Democrats out of office next month, and in 2024.

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