Serval. Felis serval. Animal №5

2 years ago

Order: Predatory
is common in sub-Saharan Africa (excluding central and
southeastern Africa). It lives in steppes and semi-deserts.
shrubby thickets near water, in forests. The lair is arranged in an old
porcupine burrow or among thick grass. It feeds mainly on rodents, and
also hunts antelopes and birds. Pregnancy is about 70 days. Born
2-4 cubs.
* Serval is the longest-legged cat among small felines,
jumping from a place to a height of up to 3 m. They easily catch birds. It can reach speeds of up to 80
km / h in pursuit of small antelopes, gazelles.
Servals have the largest ears among all cats, relative
to the size of the head.

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