DEVIL MAY CRY 5: SE | VERGIL Mission 3! Artemis Boss Fight! (PS5 Gameplay 1080p60)

2 years ago

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to a special PRERECORDED episode of "Kyle Plays the Video Games"- presented in Majestic 1080p High Definition Super Vision at 60FPS, for your viewing pleasure! TONIGHT: Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition- the most Special of all Editions of Devil May Cry 5 yet discovered by mankind! Starring VERGIL- the most MOTIVATED (and awesome) of all Protagonists of Devil May Cry yet discovered by mankind (tho if Capcom hadn't forgotten that Sparda existed, he might take that title because Sparda was freaking awesome NGL...).

LAST TIME... we began our journey through the Campaign so I can get some practice playing as VERGIL again before taking on BLOODY PALACE! Beginning with, oddly enough, "Mission 2", because "Mission 1" is just a tutorial and that's boring- speaking of which, yes, "Mission 2" is the official title of the Mission when playing the Story as VERGIL because Capcom couldn't be bothered to give Vergil's Story Missions unique *names*, much less unique Story and/or Missions, but hey- details!

What matters is that there were some Demons and they were all like "Rawrrr blah blah demon bullcrap!" and then VERGIL was all like "Show me your MOTIVATION." and then the demons were all like "blehhh, you killed us!" and then VERGIL was all like "Hmph. You're wasting my time." and then there was a super big demon with a mouth in his tummy for some reason (demons are weird like that) and he was all like "RAAAAWR!" and then VERGIL was all like "Now, I'm a little MOTIVATED..." and punched the ground so hard it exploded and killed the big demon except it didn't because Vergil killed him *too* fast (seriously) and they didn't program a death animation for him until the 3rd phase of the fight but then VERGIL was all like "BYAH" and killed him *again* and he died for real this time and then VERGIL was all like "Disappointing... smh..." because he's cool like that.

"Killing Demons and Being Cool!"- that's Devil May Cry!

Let's rock, baby!

#DevilMayCry5 #devilmaycry5specialedition #ps5share #gaming #letsplay

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