The Tooo Much Moxie Podcast: PSS

2 years ago

In a world where men are increasingly becoming the minority, The Tooo Much Moxie Podcast is the show where men can come and talk and address some issues that affect them. For example: Provider Stress Syndrome (PSS) is an epidemic affecting today’s generation of males; The Modern Women are more independent and look down on their Men and when you are not being appreciated or celebrated enough as a man, it can lead into serious symptoms such Suicidal, depression and substance abuse etc...which in fact may be at its root what PSS/provider stress syndrome really means The goal of The Too Much Moxie Podcast is to help men to better understand themselves, their relationships and what it means to be a man.

In today’s society, it seems like the only thing that matters is being rich, successful and powerful; but what about those of us who are not? What about those of us who are not rich or successful and feel like we don’t fit in? What about those of us who don’t have a lot of friends or family members that care about us? What do we do when no one else is there to help us through the hard times and how can we help ourselves?

I personally believe that men need other men around them at all times; but what happens when we lose our sense of masculinity and become more feminine as well? How do we get back on track and reclaim what it means to be a man? The Too Much Moxie Podcast will cover many topics related to this topic including relationships, sex and dating.

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