Lost Hydra Surfboard Review - Great Super Groveler

2 years ago

WOW, this is a fantastic super groveler. Best in smaller waves maybe chest high and below. Also better in softer conditions which is perfect for Bolsa.

I would place this board in terms of grovelability between the Sweet Potato and the Seaside for those of you familiar with firewires. The reason being, a 5'2 Sweet Potato is 32L, a 5'2 Seaside is 26.5L, and the 5'2 Hydra is 27.2L. Somewhat in between.

I surfed it as a 2 + 1/2 (I say half because my buddies trailer fin is tiny). I also surfed it as a quad, and then again as a 2 +1 using the NVS stabilizer. Let me know which you thought looked best on me.

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