Energy orgasms - Relax... Breathe... Feel... Relax more ...

2 years ago

Energy orgasms are also called Kundalini, life-force, sexual energy, Shakti, Chi. It is your own life energy. You can become aware of your life-force energy by relaxing more... Breathing more... Feeling more, relaxing even more...

To learn to feel your own energy, you can do my mini course:

Demystifying energy orgasms, online course:

➡️ For a free showcase of my Performance art dances:
These dances all all related to the training I give in sexual energy awakening.

➡️ Free webinars on sexual energy awakening:

For all my online courses:

0:00 - how to access your energy orgasms
1:00 - relax and breathe
2:10 - I'm going to describe what I do as I do it
3:40 - 'feel' more, sense your body
4:23 - feel the breath and relax around the breath
5:55 - the key to feeling so much energy is in the relaxation
6:33 - breathe into different parts of your body
8:35 - relax around the breath
9:28 - that is where all this energy is lying in that complete and utter surrender
11:30 - you can do this in all your chakras
12:56 - you can feel that this is flowing through your body
15:05 - it feels like a ball of golden light moving through your body
16:30 - the golden light is you
18:31 - The Shining a light of awareness through your body

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