UFO Disclosure Tarot Reading

2 years ago

his was a reading previously done on Sept 27th 2022.

UFO disclosure

In this reading done on September 27 we can see the past being represented by the tower card. Let us remember that these images were created for the educated nobles and clergy, reminding them that they have the most to lose if the hierarchy is toppled. We can see below the Hierophant representing who is preventing the disclosure and the 5 of pentacles showing that our civilization has been set back because of the hidden information. In the present we have the Ace of pentacles showing us indeed we will get disclosure but it is a work in progress shown by the 8th of pentacles in the future. As advice we can see the 9 of cups as a wish that most of us have and the Queen of swords representing an upgrade of people’s understanding. Further clarification with the three of cups can indicate celebration, leaving the troubled waters of the past with the 6 of swords, learning about hidden information with the 4 of cups and gaining potential for our future with this disclosure with the strength card.

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