Why The Carnivore Diet CURES Heart Disease & Prevents Heart Attacks

2 years ago

✦ December Carnivore Challenges

✦ Dr Philip Ovadia:

The Carnivore Diet is often associated with muscle gain and weight loss, but it has also been shown to be beneficial for heart health. Dr Philip Ovadia is a Cardiac Heart Surgeon who strongly suggests Carnivore and saturated fat lowers your risk of heart disease.

How does the Carnivore Diet help with heart disease?

The Carnivore Diet is high in saturated fat, which is linked to a decrease in heart disease. Saturated fat can help lower bad LDL and triglyceride levels, both of which have been associated with an increased risk of heart disease. In addition to its benefits for the heart, saturated fat has also been found to have positive effects on brain function and memory.

Animal-based diet lowers inflammation

Saturated fat is a type of fat that occurs naturally in meat and animal products. It's often vilified for being unhealthy, but research shows that people who eat more saturated fat can lower their risk of heart disease by up to 30 per cent. It turns out that saturated fats don't just help your heart; they also reduce inflammation in your body on multiple levels.

In fact, one study showed that eating red meat led to a 20 per cent reduction in C-reactive protein (CRP), which is an indicator of inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation is a major risk factor for many diseases including cancer, depression, asthma and obesity—so by lowering CRP levels through diet alone (without added medication or supplements), you'll be helping yourself stay healthy!

Carnivore improves heart health and lowers the risk of heart attacks

If you have a heart condition or are at risk of a heart attack, a carnivore diet can help lower inflammation and prevent heart attacks. Dr Ovadia also discusses the 5 keys to metabolic health to not just survive, but thrive in life.

The carnivore diet has been shown to be effective at helping people reverse diabetes, lose weight and lower blood pressure. Carnivore can also help reduce inflammation in the body and improve heart health by reducing inflammation. Many people who eat a lot of meat experience better sleep patterns, improved mental clarity and higher energy levels when following this type of eating plan.

00:00 Intro
00:53 Does saturated fat cause heart disease?
02:39 What has happened since the USDA advocated a low-fat diet
03:09 Are vegetables and fruit bad for our health?
05:16 What about studies showing vegetables and fruit are healthy?
06:11 Why did Dr Ovadia start a Carnivore Diet?
08:05 Meet Dr Ovadia Live on the December Carnivore Challenge
10:33 5 keys to metabolic health
15:17 What can you do NOW to improve your heart health
16:30 The best two tests for heart health
19:26 Connect with Dr Philip Ovadia

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✦ Disclaimer: Information provided in this video is of a general nature only and is for entertainment/educational purposes.

#carnivorediet #heartdisease #hearthealth

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