UFO - DRACO SHIP captured on camera?!?!?! #UFO #Alien #ET #USO #UAP #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

UFO - DRACO SHIP captured on camera?!?!?!

Proof: Camera footage by an insider from a secret military base

This is similar to the DRACO Ship (post see link below) captured on Google Earth-Hiroshima- Japan in 2015

About the Draco ship...
IS THIS the MYTHICAL DRAGON/SERPENT which APPEARS in CULTURES all across the world??

Google Coordinates, check it yourself on Google Maps, see the link below.
34°23'56.75" N 132°27'22.03" E

***It looks like Google either air brushed the area at that location or replaced that with the latest image captured... even if you timeline it back to 2015 on Google Earth it's been blurred now...

A HUGE DRACO SHIP was captured on the Google Earth image in 2015 over Hiroshima, Japan. It was SPEAR SHAPED and was accompanied by two small triangular scout crafts. (More photos of the DRACO ships
will be posted in the future...)

A lil tidbit for you...
There are wide varieties of reptilian beings who are associated with the DRACO ALLIANCE. They are also some insectoid and some nordic types of beings in this alliance. The reptilian sizes range from 4
feet like the greys to 9 to 22 feet tall. Dracos have caste like warrior, engineers, scientists, almost like a hive, and they have royalty at the top who control and direct everything. Draco royal are
14 feet tall. incredibly muscular. They are very reptilian looking. They have vestigial wings, i.e. forming a very small remnant of wings that was once much larger or more noticeable and was able to
support their body weight during flight. And they do not appear to be wearing any clothing. They weigh aroung 3000 lbs and 5 feet or more wide shoulder span. They have claws at the end of their hands
and feet. When the barrier was raised by the sphere being alliance, the dark fleet command center was inside the solar system and their operational fleet was outside the solar system. And, it's the
same since the barrier went up. The dark fleet is involved in covert operations just like the black ops. They are way past the OORT cloud. There are several spheres larger than moon in the OORT cloud
and the dark fleet has very large bases inside those.
If you ever face a draco reptilian just move out of their way. The ones which don't have tail are the worker class. The longer the tail, the higher they are in the hierarchy. If you face them and can't
cut their head, then know their weak point, they have two hearts one under each armpit, and they have a large liver just above the groin area, you can hit them their to get some time to get away. But,
they are extremely psychic and will know what's going on in your mind. And, they are very fast and agile.

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