Mimsy's Prayer

2 years ago

I call in 10.000 Angels of Highest Light and Love ( 9x)
I call in the 10.000 angels
and I ask them to make this place a happy place
and to start with my body ,
my house my garden ….

I ask the Angels to remove with Love
all entities, djinns, astrals, bad spirits , elementals,
shadows, walk-in's, spirits of the dead
or what is left of them
and bring them to their goal or to the Light .

I ask the 10.000 angels
to remove with love all fake Light beings and false guides ,
all bad E.T, archon , draco… etc.
and bring them to their goal to never return to earth.

I ask the 10.000 angels
to remove all bad and dark energies in my house ,
garden and town, and fill my house and garden with happy vibes.

I ask the 10.000 Angels to expose
all corrupt politicians,
all corrupt police,
all corrupt doctors ,
laywers, nurses ,
drugdealers and drugaddicts in my town .

I ask the 10.000 Angels
to cleanse all streets and areas in my town from astral entities
created by drugaddicts and dark ceremonies.
I ask them to shed
lots of Light and high frequency Love in my house ,
my garden, my town .

I thank the 10.000 Angels for this Help.
Thank You, thank You, thank You!!!

Do this morning and evening. From your heart !

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