Ammach Project Archives - Interview Series RESH NEWOOR - 58.04'

2 years ago

In re-editing these videos, I also learn again, about these fascinating experiences, and the context of them. Essentially, I am tidying up the audio - editing for a better flow and comprehension of what is being conveyed, which is a huge job, an arduous undertaking.

Resh Nawar, has had some fascinating experiences, involving self directed contact with craft, in his quest for facts and experience. He found himself realising on more than one occasion, that he was wide awake, but not in his body, which he knows for sure, was no dream, and he found that when he put himself back into his body, that he felt the high frequency of that being akin somewhat to electrocution.

His most dramatic event in this state left him astonished, as one night, finding himself out of body again, is minded to go and talk to his dad to ask his advise on having to deal with being out of the body when he wasn't looking for that experience...although he knew he was not in his body, he still went ahead, not thinking how his father would react to his presence...his intentions were interrupted when a tall grey with great strides, as if in a hurry caught him by the shoulders, holding onto him...peering into his eyes...Resh, not happy with a grey an inch or two from his face put out his hand to move its head away, coming into contact with its mouth....the thing that was most memorable he said was the smell, which he equated with that of elderly people in homes....some kind of deep, not so pleasant odour....

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