Adonis Golden Ratio System

2 years ago

This is What Your
Male DNA Looks Like.
Being honest with myself about why I wanted a better body helped me discover the one true perfect male form that has been ageless and timeless for thousands of years that studies prove women-Get This- Are involuntarily attracted to and other males cannot help but respect, admire and even fear.
Imagine the best you can what that build might look like so you can see how close you were in a second. I’ll warn you though, studies show you’ll overestimate by almost 30 pounds so if you’re picturing some juiced up monster start again because most women don’t relate to that look or find it attractive and men have a bias against it.
Rather, it’s a male form subconsciously realized by the greatest artists in history such as Michelangelo’s sculpture of David to Greek Mythology’s Chiseled Gods like Adonis and all the way up to modern day Hollywood.
At some level YOU subconsciously know the form… And have pictured yourself with it many times… It’s the purest, most powerful and attractive shape a male can possess.
It’s a form of perfect proportion proven to elicit strength, power, admiration, and magnetic attraction from females.
And what’s weird is that it’s been shown any guy, with any body type or genetics can achieve this proportion and the limitless advantages that naturally follow.
Let me explain - This’ll blow your mind.
I discovered this proportion when studying the very structure of your male DNA, and then found it evident in all of the purest forms of male evolution. Amazingly after further studying this phenomenon I learned YOU anatomically possess this perfect proportion right now underneath your exterior because nature intended it.
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