The Attack on Manhood

2 years ago

#masculinity #selfimprovement #mgtow

This presentation will be about the attack on men and masculinity, what its qualities and characteristics are, who and where it comes from. And most importantly, it will be about exploring the causal factors of why and how this was allowed to happen, and therefore the solutions to this attack will become clear. I’d like to start by emphasizing how important it is for women to see this presentation. Any attack on men is an attack on women. I hope the information presented here will help open some minds and hearts to the importance of respect, honesty, and unity between men and women.

The societal phenomenon which I am calling “The Attack on Manhood” is a combination of changing attitudes towards gender roles and a social engineering campaign carried out by members of the occult ruling class.
It has also been referred to as the masculinity crisis. In recent years, the attack on manhood has gained more notoriety, but unfortunately it has been politicized, and characterized as an attack only by left-wing liberals. These divisions and truncations prevent people from seeing the true big picture, and true causal factors.

“Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave” – Frederick Douglass
knowing more about social engineering would shed more light on the attack against men

There is no male "privilege", what men have are advantages and obligations. And the way manhood is expressed is by exerting our will through our advantages, and fulfilling our obligations of helping the disadvantaged. The root cause of the attack on men is our neglect of obligations. One of them being: Men have a collective responsibility to be informed, and thus vigilant of encroachment on the freedom and rights of our people. This is the corresponding obligation that comes with our intelligence, and our ability to manifest our sovereignty, through force, if needed. We have not done the work to become intelligent enough, and we have not made the effort to exercise our sovereignty bravely enough. This is the epicenter that the assault on manhood originates from. It is no wonder that our societal advantages are disintegrating, we have not done the labor to justify receiving the fruit which grows from the tree of liberty.

Modern man fulfills his individual obligations only, he has neglected the collective obligations. He has many duties, first, the duties to his own self, to find his masculine identity, become capable, earn a living, and remain in good health. Then, he has the obligations to his family, to provide structure and stability for his partner, all the meanwhile remaining available to help his parents and relatives. If and when he has children, he acquires the responsibility of a father, not only to provide for his child, not only to sacrifice in order to ensure his child a better life, but also to be a teacher, building the framework for the child’s character. All of these are individual obligations, meaning they all relate to the solar system that he is the star of. Although, the man is hard-working, benevolent, and giving, like the sun is, he makes the fatal mistake in believing he is the center of the universe. That is what the mistake of fulfilling only the individual obligations is. Our collective obligation to defend freedom is our duty to God. All the stars of all the solar systems must fight to protect the fabric of time and space itself. The obligations mentioned earlier, duty to self, to family, to children- these are carnal duties. The responsibility to recognize evil, expose it, and fight it- this is our spiritual duty. So while man scrambles within his own world, trying to figure out where the attack is coming from, throwing his hands in the air, asking “why me?”, he should look inward. He should look deep inside himself, contemplate on his own role in the work that needs to be done, and ask “why not me?”

When men decide to stand up for freedom, to bring down institutions that support human enslavement, they will notice that the attacks on their cultural identity will stop immediately.
Personal responsibility is the key, and the solution to our problems.

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