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Man does not live by Bread alone, but by each of My Words ❤️ Book of the true Life Teaching 31 / 366
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The Book of the true Life Teaching 31 of 366
The Master teaches... Man does not live by Bread alone, but by each of My Words
Divine Revelations Mexico 1866 - 1950
The Lord says:
1. Close your material eyes before this manifestation and elevate your spirit toward your Creator, for it is your with your spirit that I wish to speak.
2. I promised to return among you. I could not fail to be present for this appointment with your spirit.
3. Be at peace; listen to me attentively, and allow my word to slowly prepare your spirit.
4. You walked a long way in search of a place that would offer you peace and you had not found one. When you first came to these humble places to hear my word, you did not imagine that in these places, so poor and humble, you would find the peace for which you yearned so much.
5. I will conquer you through love. For that reason I am giving you my teaching, which is a fountain of inexhaustible blessings. I will leave this fountain to you so that in it you might receive your brothers, the travelers, the wanderers, with the same concern and charity with which I have received you.
6. Man does not live by bread alone but also by my word. There exists in you hunger and thirst which are not material, and to replenish yourselves, you seek the bread and the water of the spirit. It was necessary that pain affect you so that you would understand the teachings which I gave to you in the Second Era.
7. Some ask me in confusion, Lord, is it possible that human love is wrong and sinful before you and that you only approve of spiritual love? I reply to you, Do not become confused. Although the highest and purest form of love pertains to the spirit, I also placed a heart in the material body so that it would love on earth. To man I gave senses so that through them he might take pleasure in everything surrounding him.
8. I entrusted human life to spirits so that they would come to inhabit the earth and test their love of God. For that purpose, I divided human nature into two parts, giving to some more strength and to others more fragility; these parts were man and woman. Only united could they be strong and happy. For that reason I instituted matrimony. Human love is blessed by me when it is inspired by spiritual love.
9. The love felt exclusively by the material body is characteristic of irrational beings, for they lack the conscience which enlightens the life of rational beings. From those unions between man and woman, where both beings live in spiritual harmony, virtuous children will be born with enlightened spirits.
10. The time has come for you to purify your seed so that you may form a family which is strong spiritually and physically.
11. Understand me, my children, and correctly interpret my will. The year 1950 is approaching. Remember it is the year that I have designated to end this communication. I want to find you prepared on that day, for only those who remain truly prepared will not weaken. Those are the ones who will give true testimony of me.
12. Only those who have become spiritualized will know how to manifest my work in its new form of communication. But how will they obtain the necessary inspiration to receive my thoughts and interpret my spiritual message? By remaining spiritually alert and praying.
13. I want all of you to progress, not only just a few, and that your testimony be for the good of humanity. Be aware that if some of you think in one way and others in different way, you will only take confusion to your brothers.
14. The essence of this word has never varied since the beginning of this manifestation through Damiana Oviedo. But where are those first teachings? What has become of them? Hidden are the writings from those divine teachings, which were the first of this era in which I gave you numerous teachings. It is necessary that these teachings be revealed so that tomorrow you may offer testimony as to how this manifestation came to be. In that way you will possess the complete book of my word in this Third Era. Thus, you will know the date of my first lesson, its contents, and that of the last one, which I will deliver to you in the year 1950 when this period comes to an end.
15. Today, you do not sense the chaos which will exist in humanity after my word has ceased. Can you imagine the disturbance that will occur in nations once this manifestation concludes? Spirits will be out of control, and you should be prepared to counteract those beings. Understand that in each era your responsibility is greater, for in each new time, O people, you have a greater knowledge of my law. Your legacy is very great, and it is essential that you leave it to your brothers, the needy, before you abandon this earth.
16. Let your heart become sensitive so that you will understand my word, for you still have not understood it. If you do not prepare yourselves, how are you going to be able to receive and understand my teaching when tomorrow I will give it to you through inspiration?
17. Unite with one another in truth and in spirit, and in that way you will not become divided even under the greatest of trials. Only one God, only one will, and only one word have been with you. Therefore a different law from that which I have now given you can not arise in the future.
18. Do not weaken, O people; remember that I have called you strong at every instant. If I have not misguided your faith, and have proven that the essence of my word does not vary, why would you deceive your brothers, giving them a bad example? It is now time that you begin to prepare the heritage which you will leave to the coming generations.
19. From within their hearts many say to me, Master, are you perhaps thinking that we are going to be unfaithful? Would that be possible? And I answer you the same as I did my apostles in the Second Era, Be vigilant and pray so that you do not fall into temptation. For if now you are only innocent children who yearn to become my disciples, your perseverance will help you reach a noble atonement of your sins. I will not leave you until I have given you my last lesson at the end of 1950.
20. Feel my love around you, entrust your cares to me, and converse in peace with me. Verily I say to you that afterwards you will feel comforted. Why do you come before me fearfully? Do you perhaps believe that I have come to denounce you before your brothers?
21. I hear you asking from the depths of your hearts, Master, how shall we be received by you if we are so stained by our sins and you are perfection itself?
22. Humanity, I reply to you, Do you think I did not know that you were blemished when I came to seek you? I knew everything. Nothing is hidden from me. That is why I have approached you to deliver to you my lesson of love, which saves you from all temptations and helps to cleanse your sin.
23. Why is it that the poor, the outcasts of the world, feel that they are the least worthy of my love? Is it perhaps because they have heard that I am King? How slow you are to understand the divine lessons. Have you not understood that if I became man in the Second Era, it was to teach you the great lesson of humility? Remember that I came in Jesus to be born among the poor, that I walked in the roads with them, that I visited their homes and sat at their table, that I cured their sick bodies, caressed their children, suffered and cried with them.
24. Behold the same Lord. Today, however, he comes in spirit. This King has no crown, cloak, nor scepter. I simply dwell in perfection and govern with love.
25. Why would I manifest myself in royal palaces amidst splendor and ceremony if that is not for me? Verily I say unto you, those who think of me amid luxury and superfluous splendor have the wrong concept of what my divinity is.
26. There will be those who find it strange that I, as Christ, have now attributed divinity to myself, and they will say, How is it that you, the one who said at that time that you were coming only to execute the will of the Father, now speak to us as though you were the Father himself? And I reply to them, Understand that Christ spoke as Divinity since he is the Word of God, and today the Divine Word speaks to you again in spirit. Therefore, I say to you that the Father, The Divine Word, and the Holy Spirit are one single God.
27. You are made of a material body, in which I have placed a spirit, and I endowed your spirit with a conscience; thus would you say that three people inhabit each man?
28. These three powers form one single being although each of its parts is manifested in a different way.
29. When in the human being there is perfect harmony among the three natures of which he is formed, there will be a likeness to the harmony that exists in God, for in him there will exist one single desire, that of reaching the peak of his spiritual perfection.
30. O people, I have been instructing you for your battle for a long time, but only those who have eliminated their material ambitions and have set their sights on gaining knowledge of spiritual teachings continue to remain with me. There are also many among those who have already departed to the beyond who listen to me from their level of evolution. Many of those who first arrived have not known how to persevere nor be faithful to me! They did not want to wait for the first seeds to produce fruit. They weakened in their faith; they doubted and did not foresee the great things that would be accomplished by those who would arrive last; but when they return, attracted by the clamoring and rejoicing of this people, they will have to come to occupy the last place.
31. May this lesson serve those who, today, although seeing the multiplication of the seed, still doubt the flourishing of this teaching.
32. Eliminate your materialism. Starting today, worship in a truly simple manner, preparing yourselves for the communication of spirit to Spirit with your Lord. Today, it is still necessary that I speak to you through human spokesmen so that your faith will strengthen and you will feel that I am near you in the most intimate part of your hearts.
33. Fulfill your mission, O people, and I will fulfill your needs. Give testimony of me and I will give testimony of you. Eliminate all of your selfishness if you truly want to become one of my laborers, one who will take the knowledge of my word among humanity. Cease being concerned only about yourselves and begin to feel concern for your fellow men. I want you to discover the supreme delight that is attained by alleviating the pain of another being.
34. In my word of comfort, light, and love take to your brothers the healing balsam which I have entrusted to you.
35. Someday, you will come to understand that the wisdom of the spirit is superior to the science of the mind, for human intelligence only discovers what the spirit reveals to it. I give you this forewarning because many of you will say, How am I going to cure the sick if I do not know the science of healing?
36. Be compassionate towards your brothers. Have faith, know how to pray, and with these merits become worthy of my grace, and truly I say to you that then you will see how it is possible to perform wonders.
37. If, in spite of my teaching, there are those who doubt that this word comes from the Father, allow them to question my workers, the people who have been following me. You will get thousands of testimonies which will tell you of true wonders, wonders which would astound men of science if they came to know them.
38. Listen, when I have ceased to give you my word, this people shall be the sower of my spiritual seed. But I ask you, What is going to be your commitment to the mandates which you have received from me? Will you be willing to faithfully interpret my inspirations? Do not promise me anything concerning what you will do in those days, rather, continue to listen to this teaching and meditate on it. Today, you are gathered around the Master. Tomorrow, you do not know how many of you will turn your backs to me when you disobey my mandates.
39. Do not allow the years to go by without spiritually progressing. Seek each day to take one more step ahead in the spiritual path. Walk with a firm step. No one should hurry along that path, only to feel that he is ahead of the others, for his fall would be very painful.
40. I want you to become strong through your thoughts, through your intuition, through the spirituality of your deeds, so that in your life you do not cause the smallest pain; and certainly, prepare yourselves to alleviate as much suffering as appears along your path.
41. I have delivered many lessons to you, O people, some more profound than others. I speak to all of my children, to those who go in front and those who go behind. Beginners are always coming in search of this word and, as I did with you, I will begin by giving them the most simple teachings.
42. I ask those who have arrived recently. Do you believe that you have no spiritual mission? Do you feel that you have no responsibility to humanity? If you believe that, you are mistaken because your gifts and your responsibilities are as great as those possessed by the human spokesmen I am using to give you my teaching. They also thought as you did when they heard me for the first time, but now look at them. How wrong they were!
43. Persevere in the path, for soon you will come to know all that you possess and what mission you must accomplish on earth.
44. Understand that I, your God, had no beginning nor will I have an end. I am eternal, and I come to reveal to you in this time many of the mysteries of the spiritual life. That knowledge will help you to fulfill the law by loving and remaining faithful to your destiny.
45. The time has come for me to reveal new teachings to you. It appears as though the Father has returned to his children after a long absence.
46. I give you the gift of free will because your spirit was placed at the beginning of a long path, at the end of which lies the goal of its purification and perfection. In order to reach that happiness you need to achieve merits of love, faith, and perseverance.
47. How beautiful is the gift of free will and how badly man has utilized it. But after his long experience, the spirit will arise to triumph over the low passions of the world, and it will use its free will solely to glorify its Father.
48. The flowers sprout from the plants and offer me their aroma. That is the destiny from which they can not depart because they lack a spirit and, therefore, the gift of freedom.
49. How great shall your merit be on the day in which you are like flowers or the birds although, because of its free will, your heart with its passions will want to divert you from fulfilling your mission. But the time of the spirit will come when it will occupy the place where it belongs; it will also be the time when the physical body confesses its inferiority; then both the spirit and the material body will allow themselves to be led by the conscience. The harmony that will then exist in man will be the same that exists in everything created. My presence will not only be recognized but also felt by humanity.
50. The time is nearing in which men will offer me the true tribute, a time in which they will cease to burn the incense that they have been offering me from the first days, an incense which does not always speak to me of pure deeds but often comes saturated with human wickedness. The tribute to replace the incense will be your love which will come unto me.
51. You know that you were created in my image and likeness, and when you say it, you think of your human form. I say to you that your likeness to God is not physical but spiritual. In order to liken yourself to me you must perfect yourself by practicing deeds of virtue.
52. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am justice and goodness, which proceeds from divine love. Do you now understand how you should be in order to be in my image and likeness?
53. Love was the reason for having created you. I had a divine yearning to share my power with someone. And love was also the reason for having endowed you with free will. I wanted to feel loved by my children, not by law but through a spontaneous feeling which would sprout freely from your spirits.
54. Dominated by the forces of their low passions, men have descended so deeply in their sinfulness that they have lost all hope of salvation; but there is not one who can not be saved. For the spirit will arise once it is convinced that human turmoil will not cease as long as it does not listen to the voice of its destiny, which is not on earth but in eternity.
55. Those who believe that their existence is absurd and believe that their struggles and suffering are useless fail to realize that life is the teacher that molds and pain the chisel that perfects. Do not think that I created pain to offer it to you in a chalice. Do not think that I have made you fall. Man chose to be disobedient, and for that reason he must also arise by his own effort. Neither think that only pain will perfect you. No, you will also come to me by practicing love, for I am love.
56. If I placed you on a long and difficult road, be aware that I am accompanying you on it. I continue to teach you and to help you carry your cross. And to give you proof that I accompany you, I even became man in order to be visible and tangible. But you are foolish in your judgements. If you behold me in human form, you doubt, saying that it is not possible for you to perceive God; and if I tell you I am Spirit, then you say, How is it possible to know and believe in something one can not see?
57. You have reached a stage of evolution that will allow you to comprehend my divine essence and feel my presence spiritually. Evolution and the reincarnation of the spirit have been preparing you to receive my new lessons.
58. When the darkness that has covered humanity disappears and light is manifested in the spirits, you will feel the presence of a new era, for Elijah has returned among men. But since they have not known how to see him, it has been necessary that he manifest his spirit through a human spokesman and that he appear before those, who are able to perceive spiritually, in the same vision in which Elisha saw Elijah. In his vision, Elisha saw Elijah riding a carriage of fire over the clouds.
59. Elijah has come as a forerunner in this time to prepare mankind for my arrival. He has come as a prophet to announce the new era to you with its battles, its trials, and also with the wisdom of its revelations. He comes with his carriage of light to invite you to enter it in order to lift you over the clouds and take you to the spiritual mansion where peace reigns. Trust in him as in the good shepherd; follow him spiritually as the people followed Moses in the First Era; pray that he might help you to fulfill your mission, and if you want to imitate him, do so.
60. Before Elijah was carried off by the carriage of fire and taken to the heavens, Elisha asked him for his gift of prophecy and his spirit so that he would imitate him on earth. As proof that he was granting his disciple his wishes, Elijah left him his cloak. And the spirit of Elijah and his gift of prophecy were in Elisha as a revealing sign of the spiritual communication with men and the reincarnation of the spirit.
61. Elijah appears before men in each era and in each divine revelation.
62. The Messiah had not yet come to earth. It would not be long before he would be born as a man. Meanwhile, the spirit of the prophet had already been incarnated in John, later called the Baptist, to announce the nearness of the Kingdom of Heaven, which would be the presence of the Divine Word, the Messiah, among humanity.
63. Later when I was transfigured on Mount Tabor to appear in spirit before some of my disciples, Elijah came with Moses to take his place next to his Lord. Through that transfiguration, the Lord was informing humanity that in the future Elijah would make his presence felt among humanity, awakening man who was spiritually asleep to a life of light and perfection.
64. This is the time entrusted to Elijah to awaken humanity. He is the forerunner who will go from village to village, from nation to nation, from man to man, speaking in the same manner as John did in that time on the shores of the Jordan when he spoke to the multitudes telling them to prepare themselves for the Kingdom of God was near. Now he will tell them with his spiritual voice to meditate and reflect, for the presence of the Lord as Holy Spirit is with man.
65. When Elijah has prepared humanity, as well as the paths of the Lord, he will return to the Father.
66. Once that occurs, do not ask that he leave you his cloak as he left it to Elisha, for he has manifested himself spiritually. Times have changed, and you must forget symbols, but he will leave you the gift of prophecy as a gift of love and as evidence that he was among you.
67. Prepare yourselves, disciples. Learn from me in order that I may send you among men to preach the teachings that you have received from the Holy Spirit, telling them as John did, Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come to men. My Peace be with you!
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