B•L•I•N•D (YES, I said "BLIND") BabyMonkey (VIGO) & the ABUSE & TORTURE received DAILY!!!!

2 years ago

Now here is the newest Compilation video, I chose to do this one on "POOR LITTLE BLIND VIGO", and yes I did say BLIND!!
Vigo actually lost her sight way early on in life, and if you pay close attention to her, you can deduct that she is able to see shadows, or maybe she is seeing the actual light rays, which ever it is, it gives her enough sight ability to know if something steps directly in front of her but that's about it!!! The ABSOLUTE ONLY WAY she is able to find her mom is depending solely on her mother's scent, AND THAT'S IT!!! This is ONLY installment number 1 out of a total of 4 within this "VIGO SAGA", So please EVERYONE, don't forget to FOLLOW ME (HERE ON RUMBLE) & to LIKE and you will be first to know the second I upload all the other installments. Thank you all a ton, I love each and every one of y'all!!!!

~a RobE. M. Production~
Monkey Post
"Blind baby vigo run to crush the wall"

Monkey Alert
"pitiful blind baby Vigo mother bite when very tired appetite milk"

Solo Wildlife
"blind Baby Vigo Crying Strongly Because She Is Really Hungry But Her Mom Very Tired To Feeding Milk"

Solo Wildlife
"Nearly Falling Down !! That Blind Baby Vigo Trying So Hardly To Bite And Grab Wood"

Adorable Wildlife Worldwide
"What a pity!!! poorest adorable blind baby Vigo really needs mom all time | AWW"

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