cats and dogs playing - cats and rabbits playing together

2 years ago

cats and rabbits enjoy playing together, in this video, you'll discover how much love cats and rabbits share and how much they enjoy chasing each other and jumping around.
----people who want to get a rabbit and already got a cat at home or the opposite are lost whether they can get both to live together or not.
these are some common questions that are being asked.

Q- Can a rabbit and cat get along?
A- Cats and rabbits can get along and even be friends. Much of their relationship depends on you and how you handle introductions between the two animals. If you're willing to take the time to introduce them slowly and monitor their interactions, you can keep a cat and a rabbit together in your home.

Q- Will my cat hurt my rabbit?
A- Yes, cats are dangerous to rabbits, some more than others. Cats are predatory and hardwired to prey on species such as rabbits. Although not all cats have strong hunting instincts, an owner should always assume that their cat can precede a pet rabbit and never leave them together unattended.

Music by PavelYudin from Pixabay

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