The Problem With Conservatives

2 years ago

The current political and moral state of Western Civilization makes one thing abundantly clear: Conservatives have failed to conserve anything meaningful. To properly analyze this trend and perhaps reverse its course, we, as "conservatives" (alt-right, dissident right, etc) need to look critically at ourselves.

We have been our own worst enemies--paralyzed by the comfort of our decadence, arrogance, and fear. We operate within the framework our shitlib progressive adversaries have set up for us. We are afraid of social rejection by those that hate us anyways--namely a hostile media. We follow the rules when no one else does. We have lost sight of WHY the West has been the pinnacle of civilization and culture and WHO made it that way. We are unable to see the evil intent in others. We are unwilling to endure any minor discomfort to advance our own agendas. We constantly underestimate our adversaries. It needs to change if we ever want to preserve the West.


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