Died Suddenly - Stew Peters Documentary

2 years ago

This is a MUST WATCH! World Premiere Died Suddenly Stew Peters

This must see documentary has interviews with professional embalmers who are extracting unusual masses from victims of the mRNA experimental drugs being pushed by heavy propaganda from Hollywood, government officials, the CDC and WHO. In addition, it covers the history of plans for depopulation that has been in the works for decades. See books titled: "An Essay on the Principle of Population" Book by Thomas Robert Malthus, "The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich, "The Limits to Growth" by authors Dennis Meadows, Donella Meadows, Jørgen Randers, William W. Behrens III, and the "Kissinger Report" from Dec 10, 1974 calling for a reduction of population. Other whistleblowers include Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long a U.S. Army flight surgeon and Lt. Col. Dr. Pete Chambers also a U.S. Army flight surgeon.

Limits to Growth, Population Control, Population Growth, Goalkeepers, Agenda 2030, World Economic Forum, Great Reset, Event 201, Coronavirus, Worldwide Pandemic, Propaganda, Adjunct weaponry, 5th generation warfare, MK Ultra, Project blue beam

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