1 year ago

FDA Warnings On-The-Box Of The Free Covid-19 PCR Tests Admit: 1) All Tests EUA, are Emergency Use Only, NOT APPROVED & NOT A LICENSE No Test is 100% - National Cancer Institute 2) 20 Covid Tests do not look for a real 'Virus' in nature; they only look for side effects and artifacts; like genetic sequences, proteins, biomarkers or antibodies. Not even the Chinese Anal Swab Test for children or fake Monkeypox.

Original SARS-Cov-2 Genetic Code Doesn't Exist
3) PCR Tests look for 'genetics', not a unique 'thing' in nature. The original SARS COV2 'Virus' was nothing but a "pseudo" computer code genetic sequence uploaded to the Gene Databank by China January 11th 2020; that code was later removed by China from the Gene Databank in January 2021. The synthetic pseudo code genetic sequence was then downloaded and made into a vaccine within 3 days. Pfizer CEO, Anthony Fauci & FDA Vaccine Development Timeline

PCR is a duplication method, not a diagnostic tool, nor asymptotic test
4) Tests cannot be -solely- used to 'Diagnose' any illness. It is merely an -aid- to diagnosis. Illness must be determined by other factors. Therefore, there is no such thing as asymptotic illness based solely on these tests. KARY MULLIS ON HIS NOBEL PRIZE FOR THE PCR TEST FT VIRUS "TEST-DEMIC"

Covid Vaccines made w/ "pseudo" spike proteins & Vaccine Infection
5) If the NIH, Pfizer only has a computer genetic 'pseudo' virus for making vaccines; and they have never previously 'Isolated' SARS COV2 from all other things to be used for the vaccines; otherwise, they would have used the original isolate. Therefore it has been suggested that there is no evidence that SARS COV2, nor any other virus, has ever been Isolated from a human. DR SAM BAILEY ON STEFAN LANKA: "VIRUS, IT'S TIME TO GO."

Covid vaccine manufacturers claim the synthetic spike protein from the vaccine "is the infection". Therefore, the PCR test could test you positive if vaccinated.

It is impossible to Isolate & show Causation of Illness from a Virus
6) Virus's have not and cannot be shown as the "Cause' of any specific disease. as-in, AIDS is determined by antibody test and having a T-Cell count below 200, and never has had anything to do with any 'virus'. What Are HIV & AIDS? | Proofs of 20 Diseases Not Cured by Vaccines

EUA doesn't require clinical studies for accuracy or safety and efficacy
7) Under EUA, no test has to be evaluated for accuracy or safety and efficacy nor provide an ingredients list. Nor require "Informed Consent" - FDA. Can allow for "Imprecise Results" - FDA. From the box, this PCR test is for In-vitro use: testing or taking place in a test tube, culture dish, or elsewhere outside a living organism: The opposite of in-vivo, inside the body test. Pfizer and BioNTech Initiate Rolling Submission for Emergency Use Authorization of Their COVID-19 Vaccine in Children 6 Months Through 4 Years of Age Following Request From U.S. FDA | Pfizer They can now use "immuno-bridging" and no longer have to have clinical trials, only animal models at best.

All Tests have both false positives and false negatives
8) PCR Tests are known to have 80-90%+ false-positives; as the side of the box says; if you test negative twice, keep testing until you test positive. Meaning, it's no more accurate than Flipping-A-Coin or Placebo-Effect. SARS | Guidance | Lab | Diagnostic Assays in Community Preparedness and Response | CDC The "false positive paradox" and risks of testing asymptomatics | The BMJ

PCR Test genetic markers are not unique to SARS Cov-2
9) PCR and Antibody Tests have been shown in independent tests and demonstrated on TV in parliament, to test positive for things like coca cola, orange juice, Goat & Sheep, Paw-Paw and more. It has been shown that the alleged Covid genetic sequences match 900+ other thing in the Gene Databank

There cannot be a test for variants if the original genetics doesn't exist
10) PCR nor Antibody test claim they can detect variants designed without an original virus genetic code. Test makers reporting that they want to create tests without an original viral isolate. For so-called variants like Omicron, the test is designed to find less markers of the alleged original genetic sequence; which simply means the test will report more positive "cases". Trust the Science!

Bonus: Virus Transmission & Lab-Made Virus is Impossible + Origins

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