Disney Exposed (Read original “Bluewater” description)

1 year ago

Mirrored – Fair Use
Nov 21, 2022.
From my source
most so called whistleblowers are reps or darkos themselves
The Montauk Project
Preston Nichols is a shapeshifter..watch his videos, he cannot not shift.. i think the govn let him do his thing because he was one of the maintained aliens, who need to eat kids and fuck them to stay human.. it doesn say these kids are not telling the truth. I was there too, sideways, not like the boys. in another way,but still i remember many faces. Well i don want to say too much, but the cia and fbi have been using sex or what you call boydeprograming, but it was to know all indeed... the thing is, this only works on man who fks women..not boys. He might have copied the abuse to make them afraid again to open up memories, maybe from previous lifetimes, which the germans were working on. Hurting people in this current lifetime, through triggers of a previous lifetime. They wanted info from previous lifetimes, and maybe some kids were from the future , which was their past.They have these schedules they used, 9 different past-now-futures.. i think this project montauk was also practiced in europe and was to be
under supervision of Krueger and Mengele. So there we touch another story, and that makes swerdlow a very interesting subject for them and all he said might be true after all.. Duncan wasn lying either, he is a native wolf, in precious lifetime, meaning a native american which they wanted to hear out, so see if they would come up with truths and memoriesof tartarian worlds, murders and true ownerships of the land. You can guess now who doesn want disclosure and who do.. i know i was there...in many lifetimes.. i saw it all..lived it..maybe we need new angles to look at the truths, so get a better picture, from such high perspective that these coverup crap cannot happen anymore.. So many boys were used and abused for all sorts of purposes, many so called killed kids were sold out to mars and the moonstation, venus and that station even Trump has mentioned in space lately, that he had taken care of that station, because human trafficking went too much out of hand namely. The satanics and lucyś were selling humanity out for some crappy old sifi tools to reverse engineer and even a loopworld where they could evacuate if they polluted this world too much and had to leave.. Sounds like a reptillian agenda , doesn it.?! The moment you leave this simple matrix, which is a prison, you will look different anyway, the suit we have here is an avatar suit..remember?!! So that Preston Nichols shapshifted and who else too who have been too many time innerplanet or off planet , become more aspects of their other selves,maybe a bit higher in frequency than earth, but certainly not benevolent beings! We will have to let go of the concept there is only a human race in varieties of colours, there are so many more species on earth only right now, wasn it 4500 or something at this moment?! All are collecting their own tribes, who are in a human suit,whatever that means. That is another discussion...! so some call it the rapture, some exodus, some the harvesting of humanity, some call it "going back home" as from OFF PLANET

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