15 Things Men Notice First In Women And Find Attractive But You Don't (Women Must Watch)

2 years ago

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When it comes to attracting men there are many things that females frequently take for granted in terms of what guys notice and find attractive about women. Most of the time, you probably believe that males just notice your physique or some other feature of your appearance at first, and to some extent, you are correct.

However, your physical characteristics aren't the only things that males notice, Guys notice a lot more about a woman than simply her visible, external characteristics, whether you believe it or not, When it comes to women, males are said to have been very visual and observant.

What things do men notice in women? how to make a good first impression with a guy? what do men pay attention to in women? in this video we answer all these questions and you will learn the exact things men pay attention to when meeting women, with the power of social psychology.

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