If you have any questions on the JFK assassination. I'll be glad to speak with you about them.

2 years ago

Q: ...the possibility that Jack Ruby was part of a time-travel conspiracy.

Mark Lane (February 24, 1927 – May 10, 2016) was an American attorney, New York state legislator, civil rights activist, and Vietnam war-crimes investigator. Sometimes referred to as a gadfly, Lane is best known as a leading researcher, author, and conspiracy theorist on the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy. From his 1966 number-one bestselling critique of the Warren Commission, Rush to Judgment, to Last Word: My Indictment of the CIA in the Murder of JFK, published in 2011, Lane wrote at least four major works on the JFK assassination and no fewer than ten books overall.

Plausible Denial: Was the CIA Involved in the Assassination of JFK? is a 1991 book by American attorney, Mark Lane that outlines his theory that former Watergate figure E. Howard Hunt was involved with the Central Intelligence Agency in the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy. Published by Thunder's Mouth Press, the book chronicles Lane's legal defense of Liberty Lobby, a right-wing political group that was sued for libel by Hunt after it published an article in its weekly paper, The Spotlight, linking Hunt — a former CIA operative — to the assassination.

Lane's chief source for Plausible Denial was Marita Lorenz, a woman contacted by Lane during the suit who provided a deposition stating that on the day prior to the assassination she transported guns from Miami to Dallas where she met Hunt, Frank Sturgis, and Jack Ruby. In the book, Lane stated that the CIA arranged the assassination of Kennedy because Kennedy had planned to destroy the Agency. Others said by Lane to be involved in a conspiracy included George H. W. Bush and George de Mohrenschildt, who he implicated as CIA agents.

In the book, Lane also blames the media for their failure to cover the trial and their lack of credence given to Kennedy assassination theories.

S: https://youtu.be/9t-SZUkNWZU.

#Shorts #JFK #MarkLane #Plausible Denial #RushtoJudgment

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