DIRT & DILDOS Series (6): US Sold ME

2 years ago

October 24, 2019 OG YouTube POST: Political season is here - another election circus we fear! Muuuuaaahahaha! Well, at least we in the US know we'll get something "Evil" (non-believer, in this case), no matter the stats & labels, right?! LIBERTARIAN-ANARCHY OR BUST for this bitty bust... Tee-hee!

Here's my attempt to elaborate on the whistle-blower government management situation early 2000's, challenges directly thereafter, resulting in my withdrawal from the 2 party system. I'm publishing & reading a 2015 letter from the DNC (Democratic National Committee) signed by Obama & my response, then call to confirm an erroneous, non-existent addy changed by gov (not me) after 3rd party involvement, breaking foot/toes just prior to 2016 election. Just WEEKS LATER, SAME COUNTY & city as phone call was made to...MYSTERIOUSLY DRUGGED/POISONED, attempt on my life, IMO. Seems like too much real & provable coincidence to be "conspiracy" to me, especially considering my family lineage & military/war history. Not a topic I can bring much animated humor to, so I opted to go w/pics of our political campaigning posters & copies of letters for your viewing pleasure.

NO, I'm not racist for choosing an MLK Jr. quote for the vid' thumb; it's absolutely relevant & timelessly spoken. My B-Day is also just 3 days beyond his. YES, I studied, trained, slaved & paid to have this HUGE PERSONALITY; IT'S NOT A DISORDER.

As always, take it with a grain of whatever you prefer & feel free to share w/your concerned & conscious "woofers & tweeters"!

(UPDATE: Add 2020 IG Censorship of 3rd Party previous involvement & Vote to my LIST OF BIG BEEFS W/MY NATION.)

INSTAGRAM & YOUTUBE "Crystal Caw"/"Abstract Loyalty"!

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