NHS logging baby deaths as stillbirths ‘to avoid scrutiny’

2 years ago

Dr John Campbell highlights reports that the NHS is reclassifying some babies’ deaths as ‘still born’ to avoid scrutiny thus bypassing the Coroners’ power to investigate.

This clip is at around the 7min 50mark of
20 Oct, 2022 "Excess baby deaths investigation"
(Dr. John Campbell's YouTube channel)

Referring to this Telegraph article:

16 Oct 2022: NHS logging baby deaths as stillbirths ‘to avoid scrutiny’

Families call into question trusts’ transparency after hospital accounts clash with their experience

NHS hospitals have claimed that babies born alive were stillborn prompting accusations they were trying to avoid scrutiny.

Six children who died before they left hospital were wrongly described as stillborn.

Several of the children lived for minutes and one lived for five days.

At present, coroners can only hold inquests for babies who have shown signs of life after being born.

The babies identified by The Telegraph should have been recorded as neonatal deaths, but staff claimed they were stillbirths

‘Our baby was alive for five days but was recorded as a stillbirth’

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