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Reincarnation in Christianity ❤️ Summary of Statements from the Lord thru various Vessels
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Reincarnation in Christianity
September 8, 2016
Dear brothers and sisters
…You know – somehow, I feel joy within me – although, or maybe exactly – because of a very intense and urging sensation in my heart, to have to write this down. Right now, the topic of “Incarnation and Reincarnation” is challenging us. If somebody would have told me 2 years ago, that I would write a treatise about this hotly disputed topic – I can’t tell you, what this somebody would have heard from me.
May I be honest, I must utter my suspicion, that this fuss about ‘Reincarnation’ as well as ‘Mother Mary’ and ‘The Third Testament’, is nothing but a distracting and unsettling maneuver. Every unsolved conflict is like a festering wound, that isn’t healing, and therefore being a source for pain and sorrow. Lets turn the tables! Instead of fighting ourselves with our own imaginations and ideologies, lets try to expand our spiritual horizon, together.
So, I would like to collect a few aspects here and analyze them with you, despite a possible distraction.
First, why I feel this joy: I am happy, because more and more people (including myself) are making more and more efforts, to not only look at the Teachings of Jesus Christ in a superficial way, but rather advance into the depths of God’s Mysteries. The knowledge regarding the origin, purpose, path and destiny of life are the “treasures” of our research.
That’s the exact reason, why we experience distraction and uncertainty. A person without ambitions is rarely “disturbed” – the lethargic one is not a threat. Whoever is refining himself, will be challenged and have doubts on the path of his battle, while the self confident one says: “I am rich, I have enough and need nothing else… “(Revelation 3:17) – The afterword is known…
Never before in my entire life, I have personally felt the closeness, the presence and immediate answers of the Lord so intensely. I am convinced, that this is the result of His Healing Will.
Whatever we will find out… we must keep in mind, that with the topic “Incarnation and Reincarnation” we are observing a part of the many possibilities, which the Lord has provided for our completion.
The discerning is an uttered request from God and it was also stated by Apostle Paul. It’s the perpetual process of observing and analyzing and it ends in recognition or rejection. Every new experience, every statement should pass through this process – sometimes deeper, and some times not so intense.
We also shouldn’t forget the facts,
1. that we are spiritual beings, created by God, living in Him and being loved by Him,
2. that the Lord is giving us through His Word a mirror for our self-awareness,
3. that getting our teeth into the details can blur our vision for the whole, and
4. that, eventually, the prioritization of our research is up to each and everyone of us personally.
We should keep an eye on the latter because we often let minor things grow into major aspects, while the essentials are being secluded. The question regarding the reincarnation of the spirit is, for the current situation, only a minor detail, because we should focus on Jesus Christ and be productive with His help, right here and now. This time is too intense and dangerous to let ourselves be distracted.
We also have to admit, that our personal ‘knowledge’ is standing on shaky ground. Without the dedication to prayer, to our heart’s sensation and to the love for the Lord we inevitably drift away. As mentioned many times already, the foundation of the Christian Faith is an almost 2000 year old patchwork of human interpretations, profitable business strategies and, thanks to Gods guidance, hidden but true teaching notes. For clarification, please also read Jesus Christs dictated work “The spiritual Sun”, revealed through Jacob Lorber. From chapter 65, you can find many astounding revelations regarding “our” church history.
A small detail as an interjection. I am personally amazed, that the bible contains no “useful” sentence regarding incarnation and reincarnation. Every new scripture, whose validity is proven by witnesses, contains hints and teachings about incarnation and reincarnation – but the Holy Scripture? Nothing! Or almost nothing… In Luke 1:17 it says… ‘And he (John the Baptist) shall go before Him in the Spirit of Elijah to turn the hearts…’
I don’t want to spread any rumors, but, somehow, I can’t get around the feeling about an organized eradication…
Now, let’s move forward to the collection of references, which have been revealed by the Lord in the following scriptures. We can identify a layout, which runs parallel with the spiritual perceptivity.
Yet first, let’s clear away the big nugget, the one in Hebrews 9:27, who is often used as rebuttal for reincarnation:
9:27 And as it awaits men to die once, and after this the judgment…
First, let me deny the saying „once“ – the following people, known from the Holy Scripture died “twice”:
1. The young man of Nain (Luke 7:11-17)
2. Lazarus, brother of Mariy and Martha (John 11:32-45)
3. The daughter of Jairus (Luke 8:49-56)
We are well aware, that only a few events, allowed by Jesus, are documented in the Gospels. However, in the Great Gospel of John, which Jesus dictated to Jacob Lorber, it is completely different. There are many more awakenings conveyed, for example:
Awakening of 2 drowned ones through Jesus (GEJ volume 4, chapter 26:7)
Awakening miracle of 9 drowned ones (GEJ volume 4, chapter 6:1…)
Awakening of the dead boy, Josoe, which was dead for 18 month already (GEJ volume 2, chapter 70)
Awakening of a murdered one by Jesus, when He was a child (Childhood and youth of Jesus, chapter 113:9)
One might think that these are “exceptions”, because Jesus has the control over life and death. Sure, nothing happens without Gods Will, but Peter and Paul also brought people back from the dead, according to the Lords Will – this can be read in the book of acts, chapter 9:36-43 and chapter 20:6-12.
So much for “once”. During the period of their bodies death, the soul and spirit of these people have been in the beyond, but they were called back. The incarnation is the same, whether it happens through the awakening of the old, restored and once again made viable body or in a completely “new” infant body. However, the revived ones got to keep their memories, whereas the memories of the incarnated ones into an infant body, are blanked out – (not deleted!).
What does this “dying once, after that, the judgement” mean? Somehow, it sounds like these things don’t have any connection. Please try to comprehend the following thoughts. Whoever ONLY reads the first part, gets entangled in the detail. However, in context – the entire 9th chapter of Hebrews, especially verses 23-28 – reveal that in reality, it’s the spirit world and the spiritual life that are meant with this, for it does not say:
9:23 …but the ones of Heaven with better sacrifices than these (natural ones).
9:24 For Christ has not entered into a sanctuary made by hand – figures of the true – but into heaven itself…
etc. And then it says:
9:27 And as it awaits men to die once, and after this the judgment…
9:28 So also the Messiah having been offered once to bear the sins of many, shall appear a second time apart from sin, to those waiting for Him, unto deliverance.
Verse 27 could be translated this way:
“Just as humans are destined to spiritually die once, and to completely surrender themselves to Jesus, so the judgement for them also dies, and they live in Christ and He in them.”
This way – John 12:25 can be read like this:
“Who loves his life, shall lose it, and who hates his life in this world, shall preserve it for everlasting life.”
Galatians 2:20 confirms this:
“I have been impaled with the Messiah, and I no longer live, but the Messiah lives in me. And that which I now live in the flesh I live by belief in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
…Also Romans 6:6:
“…Knowing this, that our old man was impaled with Him, so that the body of sin might be rendered powerless, to serve sin no longer.”
All these references lead to the conclusion:
Hebrews 9:27 has NO connection to the reincarnation of the spirit, instead, it describes the legitimacy of the spiritual life in Christ, regarding the judgement.
And now we have a little problem, because we have many references in the revelations from recent times, there are so many, actually, that it is impossible to list all of them, so let us pick some ‘raisins’!
Lets begin with the references in the scriptures of Jacob Lorber, who was the Lord’s scribe. This is very important, because the entire content of the Lorber works are dictations from the Lord Himself, and represent a historic reconditioning.
For example: “Archangel Michael” – The Great Gospel of John, volume 1, chapter 2, verses 1-2:
The Lord says..
1. This man, who preached repentance at the Jordan river and baptized the converted with water, was called John. In this man dwelt the spirit of the prophet Elijah, and this was the same angel spirit who in the very beginning defeated Lucifer and later on the noted mountain wrestled with Lucifer for the body of Moses (as Michael).
2. This one came as an old as well as a new witness from above, that is, from the primordial light as a light that he might bear witness to the primordial light, of the primal essence of God, who now took on the flesh Himself and in the full likeness of the human form, Himself as a man, came to His human beings, who came forth from Him, in order to once more illuminate them in their night, thereby to return them to His primordial light.
As the mentioned connection in Luke 1:17 (Elijah – John the Baptist) – Regarding Michael-Elijah-John the baptist it seamlessly continues in the third testament, but this time working from the beyond, supporting Roque Rojas as a Spirit:
TTT Chapter 2, Verses 26, 28 and 29: The Lord says:
26. I sent Elijah to return in the Third Era*, as I, as the Master in the second Era had announced, by saying: “I say unto you, Elijah has come already, and they knew him not. I shall return to the world, but I truly tell you: Before Me, Elijah shall be.
28. Elijah enlightened this man spiritually from the beyond, inspired him, strengthened him, and guided all his steps from beginning to end.
29. But truly I tell you: I do not say to you, he chose Roque Rojas among men. I chose him, and I sent his by My Mercy prepared spirit. And I also gave him a body, prepared by Me…
Reincarnation – wherefrom – whereto? GEJ volume 6, chapter 61, verses 2-8
Jesus says:
2. Whoever of you is able to comprehend something, should know, that souls also from other worlds have entered the flesh of this earth and so are the children of the snake on this earth. They indeed have died surely once, and some even several times, but for their completion took on flesh again.
(1 Souls from other worlds – example from Lorbers „The spiritual Sun“ volume 2, chapter 16 and 17.)
(2 Children of the snake, also children from the deep – Cains heritage, information regarding this can be read in Lorbers “The Household of God”.)
3. You have heard for sure about incarnation of souls. The distant Orient still believes this until today very firmly. However, such faith has become very contaminated, because they believe, that the human souls return to the animal flesh. But this is far from being true.
4. That a human soul of this world collects itself out of the mineral-, plant- and animal kingdom and pushes upwards to become a human soul, has been shown to you for the most part and also how this takes place in a well arranged order (GEJ Vol.6, Chapter 53). However, not even an absolute incomplete human soul incarnates backwards anymore, except in the spiritual middle kingdom according to the outer appearance, for the purpose of its humiliation and possible emerging betterment (Beyond the Threshold, Jacob Lorber). If this has occurred to a certain degree, above which it cannot go any further due to a lack of higher abilities, such a soul can then in a simple creaturely bliss live in any other worldly body, this means going over in its spiritual sphere, or, if it wants, it can once again enter into the flesh of this earth, on which path it can attain higher abilities, which will help it to become a child of God.
5 Thus also souls from other worlds incarnate into the flesh of men on this earth, in order to attain those countless spiritual characteristics, which are necessary to become a true child of God.
6. But because this earth is such a schoolhouse, it is treated by Me with so much patience, leniency and forbearance. Whoever from you can grasp this, grasp it; however, keep it to yourself since it is not given to all to understand all the secrets of the Kingdom of God. If you nevertheless find someone, who is a possibly right spirit’s child, you can reveal to him little by little one or the other secret, but only for himself also; because I want, that a right person acquires this all through his own diligence according to My teaching.
7. Once man knows what he needs to do to attain everlasting life and its treasures, he should do and live accordingly, and he will then within himself see, hear and vividly feel the progress of the complete fulfilment of My promises.
8. To reveal to people too much about such extraordinary secrets by the mouth, has either no value at all or just very little; because at first, they cannot grasp it and secondly such incomprehensible information can quite easily disturb their faith, which they have acquired so far. To comprehend this in the true, inner, spiritual life depth, thereto it takes obviously more than just the dead letter of the law and the prophets.
Please take heed, that Jesus Christ Himself warns about the minor benefit of this knowledge – He surely knows why…
Allegory „Death“ – the dark barrier in our life – TTT chapter 28:6-7:
The Lord says:
6. All religions strengthen the spirit in its passing through this world, but how little they reveal to him and prepare him for the great journey into the Beyond. That is why many look at death as an ending, without knowing, that one is looking at the infinite horizon of true life from there.
7. Death is only a symbol. Death only exists for those who do not yet recognize the truth. For them ‘death’ continues as a terrible vision behind which is either the inconceivable, or nothingness. To you I say: Open your eyes and understand, that you also will not die. You will be separated from the body, but that does not mean that you will die. You, like your Master, have eternal life.
The correct understanding of the „Resurrection of the Flesh“ – TTT chapter 30:9-11 + 14
The Lord says:
9. Now the world shall know the truth about the ‘resurrection of the flesh’, which is the reincarnation of the spirit.
10. Reincarnation means: to return to the material world to be born again as a man: the resurrection of the spirit being in a human body, to continue his mission: That is the truth about the resurrection of the flesh of which your ancestors have spoken about, whereby they also have handed down twisted and absurd interpretations.
11. Reincarnation is a gift, that God grants to your spirit so that he never confines himself to the misery of materialism, to his fleeting existence on earth, or to his natural shortcomings; but rather – because the spirit originates from a superior nature – he may use as many material bodies as necessary, to carry out his great missions in the world.
14. The flesh is of this world and here it remains, while the spirit arises freely and returns to the existence from where it went forth. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of My Spirit is spirit. The ‘resurrection of the flesh’ *) is the reincarnation of the spirit, and if some believe that this is a human theory and others believe it to be a new revelation, verily I say to you, that I began to make this revelation known to the world since the beginning of mankind.
*) This term, known from the old creed of Christianity, was written down by the council of Nicäa, in a time where the partially accepted teaching of reincarnation was condemned as heresy by emperor Justinian (!), 553 years after Christ. With that, the reincarnation of the spirit in the “flesh” became the “resurrection of the flesh”.
As a reference: Reports regarding this can be found on the internet. How many facts or how much fiction might be contained in there? Dreadful, if only 10% would actually correspond with the facts… Personally, I don’t need such proof, but it’s exciting nonetheless…
Reasons for a Reincarnation – TTT chapter 30:41-44
The Lord says:
41. Let no one rebel against the idea of having to return to this planet in another body, and also don’t think that reincarnation is a punishment for the spirit. All spirits, who are destined to live on earth, had to pass through the law of reincarnation in order to be able to achieve their higher development and carry out the mission I have entrusted to them.
42. It is not only the little developed spirits, that have to incarnate again, also the elevated spirits return time and time again, until their work is completed.
43. Elijah is the greatest of the prophets that have come to earth, and in spite of the great works that He did and the great evidences that He rendered, He had to return to this world during another time, in another body, and with another name.
44. This law of love and justice was unknown to humanity for a long time, for if they had known it before, they might have fallen into confusion. Still, the Father gave you some revelations and indications, which were preliminary lights in regard to this time, to clear all Mysteries.
Explanation of 2 parts from Bertha Duddes work – regarding Reincarnation
I just say it straight ahead – whoever does not read correctly, has only to blame himself for it, because if you forget to read one half and misunderstand the second half, you will not profit anything from it.
Nr. 8495 – 13.5.1963, Clarification of the Reincarnation – Jesus and Salvation
Summary: It is a fallacy, that a soul can work off her sins on her own, by continual incarnation.
Without the mercy of Jesus and His compassion, no further incarnation takes place. Souls, which do not want to accept the Lord as their savior, are far away from his help. Help is always offered, that’s the job of entire hosts of angels, but whoever refuses it, is in danger to sink deeper and deeper, which could eventually lead to the dissolution of the soul.
But once a soul grasps the hand of love, she finds the path which leads to the Lord. Which then will become beneficial for the advancement and completion, if another incarnation will follow or not, is up to Jesus alone – though, it is certantly possible.
This paragraph is NOT a negation of Reincarnation.
Nr. 8844 – 22.8.1964 – Race issues… Teaching of Reincarnation
The title says it already – we’re talking about a partial aspect of the teaching of reincarnation here. But because the asked question is so stupid and selfish – my blood is freezing – it’ll only be useful as a bad example:
“And if you’re now asking the question, if there is a possibility of compensation for those, who by My Will were incarnated into a black body, I ask you a counterquestion: Do you know, if a white man does not misuse his incarnation to act against God? What does it avail to that one, if he is standing above the first one regarding knowledge, when he’s actually faithless and spends his life without love, while the first one can have a good character, and therefore stands far above the other one. The greatest evil is faithlessness, which can stick to a person, for he is still chained by him, who pulls him down.”
This last paragraph, however, is quite straight:
“The necessity of reincarnation onto this earth is in no way given, but instead, another incarnation will be solicited by the light world, on behalf of of a mission, which only a light spirit can fulfill on this earth, which might even provide him with the status of being a child of God. But the spirit himself does not know, he only anticipates it through the mission that was assigned to him…”
However again here: Incarnation and reincarnation are not negated, but rather the requirements for reincarnation are defined.
The rejection of the Teachings give evidence for a „spiritual low-level“ – TTT chapter 28:33:
The Lord says:
33. Is there someone, who after hearing or reading this Message, rejects it as useless or false Teaching? I tell you, that only one, who is standing on a level of extreme materialism or blind obstination could reject this light without his spirit being deeply moved by it.
And the Lord also speaks to Timothy and his wife about this, which you can read in the Message “Predestination – Trumpet Call of God” from March 19th, 2011, last paragraph:
„From the beginning until time has lost all meaning, he is Timothy, My son, a man. Even when the time comes for his transformation his identity shall in no wise change, though his body shall be transformed. Therefore, before he was formed in his mother’s womb, he was with Me… A light, a boy to become a man, My servant, a prophet. And if during gestation he was lost, he would have returned to Me, to stay or to return as he was at the first, a boy who would become a man, a living soul, unique… And so it is with all My sons and daughters. I am The Lord.“
I have found another, very interesting phrase in the revelations through Bertha Dudde, which I do not want to hide from you – and whose meaning will blow every perception:
Nr. 8751 – 12.2.1964
Third-last paragraph:
“But an incarnation as a human being will always require to either redeem a fallen, primordial spirit or to make it possible for a non-fallen, primordial spirit, to journey the way through the lowness, which will let him become a child of god…”
Dear friends – start to ponder about this… Where could your spirit originate from? – How old could he be? – What has he seen and experienced already? – And how will we evaluate the “achievements” of our current life in this body…
Perception of the world with a sound Teaching of Jesus Christ – including Reincarnation
It is the games of “what if…” Yes, really! What would be different today, when the statements of Jesus would have been available without interruption, until today? A few circumstances would look differently. But the greed for wealth would have probably found another way to confuse us.
On the other hand, we are aware, that the Kingdom of Heaven must be gained. If we struggle with the mere implementation or with the cognition of the path, is secondary. Therefore also the hint at the beginning: Consider the importance, prioritize your questions according to ‘benefit and value’, not according to ‘curiosity and interest’.
And what now?
Let’s move on together with the Lord! Nothing else! Lets leave our pride behind and become humble. The wind of the spirit, which Jesus Christ reveals as Salvation and which He presents as the universal and valid key – to love God above all else and our neighbor as ourselves – can also not be bad in ‘minor matters’.
Therefore – trust the Lord, and allow Him to know more than you…
May God, Jesus, Jehovah, Lord of Hosts, guide and protect us.
…and thanks for listening.
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