Jesus explains the Nature of Angels... Love, Wisdom, Heart & Understanding ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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Revealed by Jesus Christ thru the inner Word to Jakob Lorber

The Nature of Angels

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The Lord, together with his disciples and a few hundred people, currently resides in the hostel of Lazarus, situated atop the mount of olives. Nicodemus is astonished about Raphael and asks the Lord about his nature and origins…

Chapter 56 – The Nature of Angels. Love and Wisdom, Heart and Mind.

1. We were still resting and sleeping well when the sun rose above the far horizon. Lazarus and his innkeeper awoke, and the latter got up from his chair and went outside to awaken the servants, so they could start with the preparation of a good and ample breakfast. Soon the entire house came to life, we woke as well, got up from our sleeping places and went outside.

2. There was a well in front of the house, which contained good and pure water, and I said to Lazarus: “Brother, so we do not cause Nicodemus any offense, bring jugs and fill them with water, so we can wash our hands and no one may say that we eat bread with unwashed hands!”

3. This was done and all washed their hands, their faces, and also their feet. Clean cloths were handed out to dry the skin.

4. When this ablution was over, our Raphael came to us and informed Lazarus that the youths were still resting, sleeping and dreaming, and should therefore not be awoken for another couple hours. This was done, as it was quite necessary, since the youths were fatigued by the long and difficult journey.

5. Only now during the day did Nicodemus notice the blinding beauty of Raphael, and he could not turn his eyes away from him. After a while of inner, deep amazement did he say to Me: “But Lord and Master, where does this beautiful celestial youth come from? What is his name? No, never before have I seen such incomparable masculine beauty! Not far from him stands an incredibly lovely girl, but how earthly she nonetheless is when compared to this youth, who is beyond even celestial beauty! His golden locks, how beautifully they flow across his ethereally soft nape, which is nearly as white as snow! What indescribable grace his face emanates! How soft, full, tender and gentle his arms and feet are! Everything about him is so orderly and carefully selected, yet simple nonetheless, that I, as an elder of the city and the temple, have never, not even in a dream, seen anything like it. Truly, this youth cannot be a child of this earth! If he possessed wings, according to the model of the cherubs, who guard the ark within the sanctum of the temple, he would be a perfect angel of God!”

6. Said I: “Do you believe that the angels of God must possess wings to be angels? In this regard, you are still very much mistaken! Did the three men who visited Abraham have wings?! Did the youths who saved Lot, or the angel who guided young Tobias have wings? I am not aware of the fact that anything concerning their wings was ever mentioned in the scriptures. Even the angel who appeared to Abraham, when he should have sacrificed his only son Isaac, and prevented him from doing so, did not, according to the scriptures, possess any wings.

7. Only the two bronze cherubs had to be symbolically depicted with wings by Moses, to show the sensuous jews of those times that the pure spirits of the heavens of God move incredibly fast in everything they do: thinking, deciding, acting and accomplishing. Now the material man on earth does not know any faster movement than the flight of the birds in the air, by means of their pair of wings. And thus Moses equipped the cherubs with a pair of wings, as God commanded, to indicate the speed of the spiritual to the people. But in reality, no angel of God ever possessed a pair of wings.

8. Therefore, the wings only indicate the high degree of wisdom and strength of everything purely spiritual, and not that a pure spirit, by Godís command, must descend like a bird from heaven to earth and back again. By the way, there never existed any angel in the true heaven who was not previously a human being on any earth. That which you mistakenly imagine to be angels created as pure spirits, are nothing but the active forces and powers of God, through which the omnipresence of God is actively expressed in all of infinity. May no human being attempt to imagine this in the form of a picture, since the infinity out of God is, in truth, unimaginable for all limited beings, which, hopefully, is not too difficult to understand in and of itself.

9. But because each personís soul is called to become a true angel of the heavens of God, this beautiful and most chaste youth can just as well be on this earth without wings, just like I am now within the flesh, as the sole Lord of heaven and earth, together with you, teaching you Myself, while at the same time maintaining the whole of infinity. By the way, it is written: “At the same time you will behold the angels of God descending and ascending, serving the Lord!” And thus, this youth may very well be an angel. – What is your opinion on that?”

10. Said Nicodemus: “Indeed, obviously he possesses more than enough beauty to be an angel; but he does not descend and ascend between heaven and earth!”

11. Said I: “O the great blindness of the people! How can you, as an experienced man, assume that angels from the material heaven descend to this equally material earth and then ascend back, that the people would be able to see this happening, or how those angels serve Me?! The descending and ascending of the angels simply means this: to ascend from love to true wisdom, and with wisdom back to love once again, which is the true, living spirit out of God within you.

12. When a person properly awakens and understands the love for God and his neighbour within his heart, he ascends to wisdom, or the right and deep cognition in all things. And once a person has obtained such knowledge and ever more deeply recognized and comprehended the unlimited love, wisdom and power of God, he will become saturated with humility and the living love for God. In this case he descends into his heart once again, making it brighter than before, illuminating it even further with the love for God.

13. ‘But’, you say to yourself, ‘if this is the case, does this earth represent love then, and heaven wisdom, since, on this earth, it is so loveless, and from heaven come only good things, – and very seldom something less than good?’

14. Yes, in the heart of man, which is the seat of love, most often it is quite loveless as well, and yet the heart is nonetheless the seat of love. But the pure love within the heart, being all alone and by itself, would bring forth just as little fruit as the earth without the light of the sun. The sun of heaven for the heart in man is his natural mind. It descends in the form of orderly and good thoughts, ideas and concepts into the heart, or down to the earth into man, illuminating it all and giving life to the seed, to produce good and noble deeds. If the light of the mind is still weak, like the light of the sun during winter, the heart will still become more sensible and wiser; but because it is still remains in self-love, the noble seeds within the heart will not germinate, grow and bring living fruits of action to maturity. But if a person, through diligence and the correct use of his talents and abilities, becomes ever brighter in his mind, the light of the mind will awaken the warmth of life within the heart, and the seeds resting therein will start to germinate, grow, blossom and soon bring noble, fully ripe fruits of action to a rich harvest of life.

15. Thus, by ‘angels’ are meant the thoughts, ideas and concepts of the enlightened mind, which is the heaven of wisdom within man, on the smallest scale of course. These thoughts, ideas and concepts descend and ascend, serving the still hidden spirit of God within the heart of man, and this spirit is called ‘love for God’ and ‘love for one’s neighbour’. And just as this living spirit out of God within the heart of man is not recognized and considered by so many people – while the salvation of man in relation to his temporal and eternal life is dependent on this very spirit -, so am I, the Lord and primordial foundation of all being and existence, not recognized by the people of the world, even though they see what great thoughts, ideas and concepts descend and ascend through Me from the heavens of God, illuminating the heart and warming it up to carry living fruits of action. That is why many are called, but few are the chosen ones who accept and take My Word to heart, bringing forth a rich and vigorous harvest of good deeds.

16. Do you now understand a little better who the angels actually are, those that descend to earth and ascend back to heaven, serving Me, the God from eternity, as well as temporarily serving you here on earth, you who are called to be children of God, you who are His heart and earth?”

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