COP27 Review - 'We are on a highway to climate hell'

2 years ago

It seems the speakers at COP27 have ratcheted up their rhetoric saying the world is now on the Highway to Hell.
Do they believe what they are saying? Look at their actions.

Some of the wealthiest countries in Europe are now burning pellets made from old growth trees.

Some are also firing up decommissioned coal burning power plants.

Countries are adding Liquid Natural Gas ports as quick as they can.

Heck, even in Germany they are tearing down wind turbines to strip mine the coal below these monstrosities.

Call me crazy but, it seems to me, if they had built more nuclear and natural gas-powered electric plants:
Several positive things would be happening…
* CO2 emissions would be MUCH less.
* No one would be talking about Brownouts
* The price of electricity would be much lower
* Manufacturing would not be shutting down and leaving Europe
* Inflation would be MUCH lower.

Looks to me green energy is not ready.

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