#37: Diamonds, Bondage, & The Final Fate of Helena (Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut Part 3) w/ Sean McCann

2 years ago

You have tuned into Divulgence with Jordan Vezeau, and I am OH so grateful for this fact. After great demand, here it is; the final chapter in our scene-by-scene analysis of the great Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Eyes Wide Shut’! I am joined again by Sean McCann who breaks down more of the masterpiece for me, all the way to that wonderful four-letter word that we all love so much. Along the way, we also dive into, and revisit, topics such as Ishtar, the elite – and their misdeeds of kidnapping, paedophilia, and tendencies to lie, cheat and steal - Xs that signify impending death, FDR, Bob Hope and Vietnam USO shows, Bill Graham and Uncle Bobo, trauma-based mind control, Laurel Canyon and David McGowan, Freemasonry and the Knights Templar, and blue and red. We divulge different things that were picked up during that instance of viewing the frames, even after many prior viewings (which is part of the magic that Kubrick has left for us) and we reflect on and contemplate what Helena’s final fate truly is, and the list of possible – yet certain – dooms that she will accept. Shout-out to Mr. Leon Vitali who recently passed – RIP. Leon was a legend in his own trade and by his own mark - as the right hand to the master for so many years, as well as his voice for many recent years, we owe him so much, and so much to him is rightfully due.

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Episode 24 (EWS Analysis Part 1) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPF19neVNOA&t=2936s

Episode 26 (EWS Analysis Part 2) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZqe_8U0j2o

Episode 27 (Discussion w/ Troy McLachlan) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtCs593iQiM&t=122s

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