THE POISON WARRIOR WITH A BLEED-BASED TWIST! | Project Ascension S8 | Classless World of Warcraft

2 years ago

Mcdoubles back again with a brand new video and today we check out the new reworked Blood Venom legendary enchant in Project Ascension Season 8 that attempts to combine Assassination and Subtlety Rogue with Fury Warrior, and it does a pretty great job!

While I wanted to do another Gurubashi Berserker video I felt that the spec was a little underwhelming despite the intense grind required to acquire it, and I also felt that it was taking a backseat to the epic enchant Herod's Legacy, which was slightly disappointing. I started looking into a Single Minded Fury version of the spec when I soon got derailed and began looking at new ways to play my strength based character. That's when I came upon Blood Venom, which only barely utilizes the SMF playstyle by allowing its empowered Mortal Strikes to hit with both weapons, but nonetheless felt interesting enough to hop on and try today, so we did!

We test out both bleed and poison variants of this spec, and the poison variant was my personal favorite. =)

Server: Thrall
0:00-0:23 - Intro
0:24-3:21 - Building a Blood Venom spec!
3:22-6:54 - BG Backstab Leveling on our way to a Blood Venom spec
6:55-10:19 - "How many times am I going to have everything except for 1 common?"
10:20-20:29 - First Mythic Adventure with Blood Venom!
20:30-24:48 - Second Mythic Adventure with Blood Venom!
24:49-26:23 - Quick ZG Loot + Dps comparison
26:24-31:45 - Poison Talents + Testing the Bleed Only Variant!
31:46-34:47 - Conquest of Azeroth CORE REWORKS OUT!
34:48-36:53 - Giveaway and Final Thoughts

🛎️ If you missed the last video make sure to check it out first here🛎️

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