Patriachy | God’s Blessing Through Fathers | Hebrews 11:20-22

2 years ago

The common time of blessing with the Patriarchs was usually right before their death, so that the recipients of these blessings might have them strongly impressed upon their minds and be all the more careful to attend to them. Jacob is said to have blessed each of his sons (as well as the sons of Joseph) in faith because he delivered this blessing when there was no appearance of the fulfilment of it. We must understand that Jacob blessed both the two sons of Joseph under the guidance and inspiration of the Spirit of God, choosing to set Ephraim before Manasseh. And when he delivered these blessings he firmly believed they would be fulfilled, although they were currently residing in a strange and foreign land.

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Keywords: theology, Reformed theology, podcast, Christian sermon, theology podcast, theology show, Christian show, the gospel

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