#32 Lisa Schermerhorn: Author, Speaker, Life Coach and a Radiant Soul

2 years ago

We met Lisa in person at the Truth Tour, her smile is so welcoming that it was like reconnecting with a dear friend back from your childhood. Once we said hello the floodgates opened to a beautiful conversation.

Lisa graduated from Simmons College with a B.A in Management. She is a Certified Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Certified Hypnotherapist, Emotional Release Method Practitioner and Certified in Bob Reese’s Winners Mentality Program. Bob is a former head trainer for the NY Jets.

She owned the Indigo Wellness Center in the greater Boston area and was Vice President of Business Development for MeditainmentVR, a virtual reality company that helps people de-stress, and lower pain levels without medication. Lisa was also was one of their lead developers, creating cutting edge guided meditations to help people enhance their lives.

Website https://lisaschermerhorncoaching.com
Book https://www.amazon.com/Every-Belief-Lie-Lisa-Schermerhorn-ebook/dp/B0B7YZ9YW4

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