Public Perceptions of the Police -SPECIAL GUEST ARCH BISHOP 1%

2 years ago

Public Perceptions of the Police -SPECIAL GUEST ARCH BISHOP 1%

A striking partisan divide characterizes public perceptions of police in the United States, with Republicans expressing far greater confidence in law enforcement than Democrats. Nearly nine out of ten Democrats support major changes in policing, while only 14% of Republicans do. And nearly eight of ten Democrats – versus just 5% of Republicans – favor reducing police department budgets and shifting the money to social programs.

When asked about racism in policing, around two-thirds of Americans say they believe police treat black people less fairly than white people, a view held by 91% of black adults. Still, in communities characterized by poverty and a lack of opportunity, surveys show that black residents are somewhat more likely than whites to express support for more police presence in their neighborhood, rather than less.

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