Audio Blog Post: How is Your Fruit Shining Forth?

2 years ago

This is an audio read loud of my blog made for those who would benefit from a read aloud of my blog site. This is from one of my blog posts that was titled: How is Your Fruit Shining Forth?

See more teachings on my blog at

Be blessed and Go do what you are called...

Credits and thanks to:

First and foremost, I thank my Lord God the Father, and Jesus Christ my Savior, for their love and guidance. I thank Him for being willing to use me to do such a feat. I can't do any of this without Him...seriously, I have no experience with any of this whatsoever...

A big thank you to those who prayed over me these past weeks, as I was preparing and working on this and other videos. If this produces any fruit, I am happy to share the harvest. Prayer is a mighty help with planting and growing...I love you all.

A huge and blessed thank you to my husband for supporting me in my ministry. This format was made because of what he does. My goal is to support those who are forced to work on the road or are unable to sit still to read. My husband was my inspiration. :) I love you honey!

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Blue Letter Bible App:
Romans 1 (NKJV) - Retrieved from Scriptures
Renderforest: Intro, Exit, and Thumbnail
Animonica: Editing
Giphy,, and
Song: Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts) · Shane & Shane
No lyrics
Psalms, Vol. 2
â„— 2015 WellHouse Records
Released on: 2015-10-23
Bible Hub: Scripture references
My pastor C: Who gave me wonderful support and advice :)
My other pastor J: Who has also helped, even if he has no idea that his sermons are helping my growth, knowledge, and ministry. I love you both :)

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