Loud House Series: Episode 19 Ramifications!

2 years ago

As Lori and Bobby surrender themselves to the authorizes in order to submit for questioning, Lori takes Luna and Leni to her room in order to discuss with them the situation on what was happening while changing into new clothes. She trusts Leni and Luna to watch over the younger Loud Sisters and Lincoln while she is away, before she arrives in the Secret Room in order to obtain the family files which housed Lincoln's birth certificate and the Adoption Papers that were left behind by both Rita and Lynn Sr Loud after their disappearance in 2020.

Arriving at the Police Station in order to conduct the Interview, both Lori and Bobby are sent into 2 separate rooms, with Bobby being sent to Interrogation Room A, and Loring being sent to Interrogation Room B, during the course, both are interviewed by the Roga City Police Department in hopes of obtaining answers on the situation following the lost child.

While the Interrogation is occurring, Lincoln had managed to sneak out of the Loud House, in order to make his way to Roga City Park, where despite the fact that visiting hours were older, he had managed to climb the side of the structure while Lana was receiving her treatments, which were shown to be Syringes which contain antidotes in order to kill the Radiation within Lana. After her treatment is done, Dr Hawkins compliments Lana as her skin is starting to lose its green color where it is revealed that in a few more days she will be back to normal. After Dr Armstrong leaves the room, Lincoln is able to get Lana's attention causing her to gasp in horror she angrily pulls Lincoln inside the safety of the hospital window where he would fall directly on top of her with his head on her lap.

Enraged by Lincoln's foolishness Lana scolds the boy, and demanded why he would put himself in harms way just to see her. Lincoln would go on to explain that the RCPD had brought Lori in for questioning along side Bobby, which enrages Lana even more and further reinforces her hatred for Lola for tricking her into jumping into Radioactive Mud from the start, where she wished that she could be at home doing something about it, instead of being stuck at the hospital receiving painful treatments. Lincoln is able to calm the young girl down, when he compliments how she is getting better, but the attempts are cut short when Lincoln collapses into Lana's arms, where she is forced to place Lincoln directly on her bed. Lana during a conversation changes her clothes and comes out looking like she did back in the original Loud House, and blushes when Lincoln compliments her once again, before collapsing again. At that point Dr Hawkins arrives in the area and examine Lincoln only to discover that the basketball strike that he sustained from Roga City Park caused his skull to break open again, rendering his head completely unstable, and that the treatment of Ramification Surgery, a procedure that hadn't been in use since 1901, had to be performed immieadeitly in order to save Lincoln.

Lana is unsure about it at first, but Lincoln calms the 7 year old's worries and Lana eventually accepts. Meanwhile back at the Loud House, Leni decides to go and check on Lincoln, unknowing that he had left in order to see Lana. Before she can leave the living room, Dr Hawkins is able to call, where Leni soon finds out the terrible truth on Lincoln's fate. Enraged and still not used to anger, Leni blows up, causing Luna Lola and Luan to grow fear full, Lola then mentions that Lincoln left for Roga City Park due to Lynn's actions, which made the 17 year old even angrier, to the point that Lynn who had heard the commotion decided to check to see if everything was alright downstairs. The Mir sight of Leni caused Lynn to snap, and punch Lynn directly in the eye sending the 14 year old crashing onto a table leaving her black eyed. Luna is able to calm Leni down, claiming that Lynn had no idea that Lincoln would get hit in the head a second time, and instead Leni results to scolding Lynn harshly for her actions, and that one decision of Lynn taking Lincoln out that day could result in the end of him.

Lori is quickly allowed to leave during the questioning while under police escort, where she gave consent to Lincoln's Ramification Surgery before returning back to the station in order to continue the Interview. However the Interview takes a dark turn when Lori soon finds out the truth of who her parents really were, and how they never appreciated nor loved her or her siblings at all. After seeing the truth about Lincoln and how he came to be, Lori is soon broken and is forced to accept the fact that Lincoln will never be a Loud, and that he shouldn't have been with her family to begin with.

She is then ordered by the RCPD to give Lincoln up, until his parents could be found, one to which she tearfully agrees and she is finally let go.

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