Occupied with Joy - Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:9

2 years ago

Occupied with Joy
Series: Meaninglessness - Life Under the Sun. Life Under the Son
Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:9
James Long, Jr.

Passage: Ecclesiastes 5:8-6:9
Message Exposition
We live in a world of injustice. In part because the pursuit of things may lead to the oppression of the poor. (Ecclesiastes 5:8-9)
• Do not be amazed to hear of the oppression of the poor or the violation of justice and righteousness (Ecclesiastes 5:8a).
• Governments are established by God to put checks and balances in place and to protect the poor (Ecclesiastes 5:8b).
• Yet, many do not fulfill their God-ordained responsibilities because they become selfish, power-hungry, and violent to the weak.
• A good king will be concerned with eliminating oppression in their land. That type of king is a great advantage to his people (Ecclesiastes 5:9).
We live in a world tempted by materialism: finding satisfaction and security in things (Ecclesiastes 5:10-17)
• We are tempted to greed. Greed will not satisfy. (Ecclesiastes 5:10-12)
• We may lose all that we have (Ecclesiastes 5:13-14)
• We come into this world with nothing (Ecclesiastes 5:15)
• We, all, will leave this world with nothing as well (Ecclesiastes 5:16-17)
CENTRAL PROMISE: You can be occupied with joy. How? By trusting God. He, alone, is the source for finding joy, contentment, and lasting peace in this life (Ecclesiastes 5:18-20)
We will never find lasting joy in wealth (satisfaction and security) (Ecclesiastes 6:1-2)
• Most wealthy people are dissatisfied and insecure (Ecclesiastes 6:2a)
• All wealthy people are destined to leave their wealth to another after they die (Ecclesiastes 6:2b)
We will not find ultimate joy in our families or fullness of years (Ecclesiastes 6:3-6)
Outside of God, we never find ultimate satisfaction in this world. We will constantly be craving more. (Ecclesiastes 6:7-9)
The Gospel in the Passage
• Stop living in regret (Romans 8:1-39)
• How do we have a change of heart?
o Repent before God. Psalm 51:17
o Love God. Matthew 22:37
o Trust in the Lord. Proverbs 3:5-6


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