Name of the Roes: Scooby Dooby Doo Coronavirus

2 years ago


When Ralph Northam, Joe Biden, Rochelle Walensky and other government officials try to avoid the jurisdiction of the court to avoid making sworn arguments in court, it is not a sign that they have a strong argument to refute claims against the government response to the current public health crisis, and when a FOIA goes all the way to the Supreme Court on any issue, much less a simple yes or no question regarding whether certain standard metrics are classified, it is a strong indication that the origins of a coronavirus may not be natural.

But this video, after having a judge nominated to preside over the first pandemic incident homicide case in history, seeking to compel a grand jury investigation, is about those early clues that, even if not necessarily informed by the science, a quarter of Americans had a good reason to claim that the novel coronavirus had found origins in a laboratory, just based upon the science, which, apparently, microbiologists, virologists, epidemiologists and many in the public health profession did not notice or chose not to notice, but which should have been obvious.

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