WTF 41 - Did anyone else notice the big plot hole in Daniel Andrew's car crash?

2 years ago

What are your thoughts on the Daniel Andrews car crash?

It's always been dodgy to me, even way back when I first heard about it. please let the comments and arguments begin below.

This disturbing thought dawned on me. Daniel Andrews left the scene of an accident so therefore should he not have been charged in regards to that? The other really big question is why did the police not give his wife a breathalyser?

I was actually joking around at first to buy me a cup of coffee or buy me a drink. I do however spend a lot of time putting these what the f*** together. And after my first donation I realised I won't be using it to buy drinks but your donations will go towards buying a new gimbal and a laptop which were recently stolen out of my car. Equipment needed to keeping the what the f***** episodes going.

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