What is life’s biggest trap people fall into?

2 years ago

What is life’s biggest trap people fall into?
Getting into relationships with people they're not compatible with, just because they are lonely or because everyone else is doing it, or because they don't think they can ever do better.
A bunch of little traps called “Subscriptions”. I always wondered where my money was going each month until I stopped nearly all of my subscription services.
Staying at the same job for too long. I made that mistake, now I'm paying for it. It doesn't help your future job prospects having only one or two things to show on your resume and it's extremely specialized.
Identifying too strongly with your thoughts.
In traffic jam: I'm going to change lanes, this one is going faster.
Wanting stuff 'NOW' and being willing to go into debt to get it.
Having kids because you think you’re supposed to. Not even putting any thought into bringing a child into the world but doing it “just because”
The biggest trap is not working on your brain. People live their whole lives saying to themselves "nothings going to change, this is who i am". Mostly out of laziness because changing for the better takes work.
Getting married or having children because that it is "expected".
Just because they’re nice to you doesn’t mean they’re nice to everyone else.
Consumerism. Allowing themselves to be manipulated by advertising and marketing into thinking that they're just one product short of happiness.
Always having a car payment
Letting life pass by without enjoying it
The dreaded "life script." Marrying young, having 2.5 kids, a dog, and a house with a white picket fence. You can do all or none of those things and still have a happy successful life.
Attacking a new Death Star thats under construction and not yet operational.
Drug Addiction
quick sand
Punji spikes
Drugs & addiction, as well as not taking care of their mental health.
Using comparisons as a metric of quality of life, where are you compared to someone else. When you think of a fond memory in retrospective how do you value it? At the time when these things were happening were you thinking how some billionaire must be having more fun than you? Of course not, live your life it's fine to sometimes compare yourself but don't dwell on it there's no point.
too much house too much car
That people care what you think.
The sunken time fallacy. We tend to stick with things, like relationships and jobs, long after we should have given up on them, because we have put so much time, into them. We feel like we have wasted time, so we continue to waste time.
"If I just had (insert goal/money/recognition/thing here) I would finally be happy..."
Spending money on Textbook access codes that you can use only once.
Lifestyle creep
Porn addiction
College. I’m a proponent of higher ed, but it’s not for everybody. I’m even thinking it would be better for some to learn a skill/trade or a junior college level discipline then reevaluate if they need further education, especially for those that aren’t very certain about their career path.
When your girlfriend asks for honesty and also asks if you think any of her friends are good looking
Having kids and expecting their quality if life to not instantly plummet.
That you have to have a big wedding ceremony with a giant dress, tons of expensive food, flowers, photographer, catering, etc. All of that is nice and all but maybe I'd like to get married to the person I love without putting myself in 50k of debt.
Misunderstandings in general.
Having kids
Having kids
Trying to keep up with “the Joneses”. Fuck the Joneses.
Getting married and having a family early. And yes, I know some of you have done it but it’s an incredibly stupid decision.
The old 'banana in the tailpipe'
Credit Cards. Modern day financial slavery by choice.
"listen son, all you've got to do is get married, have a kid, and buy a house, it'll all fall into place"
Getting their advice from reddit.
“Staying for the kids.” The kids want to grow up in a happy house with no yelling. Even if it is two happy houses.
Having kids
Short videos on TikTok, YouTube, instagram, Facebook etc. This shit is meant to keep you on their apps for hours upon hours. Not to mention how it ruins the attention span of children.
Acting before you think.
Accepting love songs' presentation of love. Intense in-love feelings either usually fizzle out or are a trap set by narcissists or sociopaths to use you (love bombing). Such a trap can be really hard on your mental health, family, and finances for years, even decades, if you don't realize what's happened.
American Capitalism
Marrying the wrong person. Having kids with the wrong person. These are the biggies
Plot twist: this whole planet and reality is a trap
waiting for the “right one”. nobody’s perfect. we all have to make compromise. love takes work. long term relationships take work. honesty. compromise.
Majority of name brand. Especially when it comes to groceries, a lot of times it's the same exact item from the same producer.

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