401k Plans For Dummies: What is the difference between a 401a and 401k plan?

2 years ago

401k for dummies: What is the difference between a 401a and 401k plan?


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Most of us rely on qualified retirement plans to save for retirement.

Unfortunately, most of us don't know the features or benefits of the retirement plans that we use!

Qualified retirement plans are retirement savings accounts offered by employers to their employees.
Your employer wants to give you reasons to stay at their company - one great way for them to do that is to offer a really competitive retirement plan that makes saving easy and convenient.

Now - there are a variety of qualified retirement plans and they are gonna be different based on the type of employer you work for.

This video focuses on 401ks and their less common sister plan the 401a - but we will touch on the other options briefly as well.

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