Latest Drop What is Ascension Health and FOCUS? Movie? Music or Ele c tion company? You decide!

2 years ago

Latest Military Intelligence drop.
What is #FOCUS
FOCUS programming language
Focus Technology
Focus music vid #ArianaGrande
#Epstein, #EpsteinDidntKillHimself

Find my notes in these Facebook Threads and posts,
Who is ready to make History?
Not their watered down, rewritten his story [the ones who shut everyone else down]. ..
rather the kind that shows on RECORD and with Indisputable PROOF the liars, thieves and predators?
Let's Go!
Latest info drop from 11.18.2022
Sorry I'm late getting this done.
As you all know this is a Very Busy time for all due to multiple reasons.
Found here,

Also archived here and will be adding more,

This is NOT a fluffy, tickle your ears Happy Sunday!
This is to draw attention to what people no matter what Walk of Life they are in, need to Take Another Look at what they are allowing and being Complacent About and Engage!
Get in the Game, Get in the FIGHT!… See more here,

The video that was removed from YT this last week,
Let me know if you hear anything said that would have given them cause to remove it. Thank you for your help.

#TheSilentChildren, #Avicii, #TedBergling,#ChesterBennington, #ChrisCornell
The Silent Children Avicii, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington with Special Guest Andy!

#LauraSilsby, #LauraGayler, #Haiti

Laura Silsby Gayler's attorney and wife part of Haitian and Central America Child Trafficking ring

Never, ever forget. ..yes it takes patience as the evil doers play the long game, but Persevere because #NothingCanStopWhatIsComing, #NCSWIC

Ending 11.17.2022 with have you come across #MorganFreeman's vintage photos when he was on an educational show called #theelectriccompany?
No worries, I drudged them up and have them for you.
Let's travel back in TiMe. ..but WAIT - is time what people THINK it is? You decide!… See more

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