Surviving Toxic Mom's: The Trauma that No One Can Talk About

2 years ago

We hear a lot these days about toxic masculinity, and while its true that toxic masculinity has left the Earth in atomic crosshairs, among other dire ills, toxic Mom's are flying almost completely under the radar. The reason for this is very complex, but can be summarized simply: only awful people would ever say anything bad about their own mom. Or even think anything negative. This is the standard cultural attitude, and it is toxic as hell on its own.
The reverence that we afford to our mother's, (often for good reason) hides one of societies greatest issues, and the source of much of our worst truama.
I was the victim of psychological, emotional, and even indirect sexcual abuse due to my mothers trauma, which caused her to develop narcissistic personality disorder, depression, and a host of other serious mental health issues.. These things ultimately led to her suicide.
After her death, I was able to more objectively analyze her behaviour, partly due to an immersion in plant medicine and the associated therapuetic insights that come with the territory. Augmented by in depth study of NPD psychology, I feel I have much to offer on this taboo subject. It's tie to shine the light where no one wants to look.

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