Jesus explains the old and new Jerusalem ❤️ The Great Gospel of John revealed thru Jakob Lorber

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THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 7, Chapter 49, 54 and 55
Revealed from the Lord thru the Inner Word to Jacob Lorber

The manifestation of the old and new Jerusalem

Chapter 49

The Lord says:

49,1. When all directed their eyes upwards, the sky became glowing and blood-red and one could see the city Jerusalem on the glowing ground, besieged by Roman warriors, and out of the gates of the city flowed blood. Soon afterwards the city stood in bright flames and a dense smoke was lying over the whole wide horizon. Soon afterwards the city could not be seen anymore, but only a steaming mountain of rubble. In the end this also disappeared and one could see an infertile desert, where wild hordes built a place to live. After this the manifestation disappeared and terrible screams of fear could be heard from the city, and Nicodemus thought that an uprising was apparently going to take place in the city.

49,2. But I calmed him and said: “This is still far away; but from now on between forty and fifty years it will happen that this country and this city, since it did not want to recognize the time of its great merciful trial, will be completely destroyed. – But now wait for the last event! Only then will we go into the house and discuss it. But for now pay further attention to what you will see!”

49,3. Upon this My directive all looked again to the firmament, and the column of light once more came down from the sky to the earth, but not at the place where it originally arose out of the twelve columns, but on the opposite side towards the west, and the light was now many times brighter than before. Soon afterwards it started to divide, but not into the twelve columns, but out of the countless many parts a very large city was formed, whose walls consisted of the twelve main types of precious stone and spread an extremely manifold light lustre to all sides. And this city had twelve gates visible, through which countless many people from all parts of the world strolled joyfully in and out.

49,4. High in the air above the city, as if of rubies and emeralds a script was formed according to the old Hebrew style, and read as follows: ‘This is the new city of God, the New Jerusalem, which will descend from the heavens to the people, who have a pure heart and a good will; they will live there together with God and for ever praise His name.’ This script, as well as this whole appearance, could only be seen by those who were with me on the mountain, but by no one else in the whole country.

49,5. After all present erupted with cheers of delight and started to formally worship Me loudly, the appearance vanished and I admonished everybody, that they should worship God in the silence of their hearts, and not with loud, noisy words like the Pharisees, which do not have any value before God. They stopped it and contemplated in the silence of their hearts.

Chapter 54 – The explanation of the third light phenomenon.

54,1. Said Nicodemus: “Lord and Master, I understand this now and thank you most fervently for this, Your so extremely important teaching. But since you have explained to us the two phenomenon, I would like to ask You to also explain the third one to us; because there must be something great hidden behind it.”

54,2. Said I: “Yes, yes, I certainly will give you some insight into the third phenomenon; but you will not understand it very well; since what the distant future will bring, you will only then see more clearly, once you have been reborn in the spirit. Nevertheless, I will tell you something about it, and thus listen!

54,3. The light column returning from the heavens back to earth is Me in the spirit of My living word, which I will place in future into the hearts of those who will love Me and keep My commandments; I will come to them Myself and shall reveal Myself to them. And thus they will anew be taught by God.

54,4. The division of the column into countless many parts means the unveiling of the inner, spiritual sense of all My words and teachings, which I have given to mankind since the beginning of man through the mouth of the ancient patriarchs, the prophets and seers and now Myself.

54,5. From these many separate disclosures of the inner, spiritual sense of the word of God, will only then a true and great teaching of light and life be formed, and this teaching will then be the great and new Jerusalem, which will descend down from the heavens to the people. And those who will be and live in the new teaching, will walk in the new Jerusalem and will live therein forever, and their bliss will be never ending and boundless. Because I Myself will be with them, and they will see all the countless glories of My love, wisdom and omnipotence.

54,6. However, from the annihilation of this old city Jerusalem until the time of the new city of God on earth, only very little light will prevail among the people on earth; since soon many false prophets and priests will rise and will perform false miracles in My name, will mislead the people and will make them blind, yes the antichrist will do such things with the help of the kings of the earth, so that even My chosen ones, if I would allow it, could be enticed to bend their knees before the new Baal. But I will again let great hardship come among the people, as has never been before. Then Baal will be brought down just as the great whore of Babel, and the light of the living word in the hearts of many people will come and raise and release the oppressed and afflicted, and all will be glad in the new light and will praise My name.

54,7. During that time the people will often have contact with the pure spirits of My heavens, and they will be their teachers and instruct them in all the secrets of the eternal life in God, as was shown to you in the third phenomenon, where you saw people walking in and out through the twelve gates.

54,8. But the twelve gates no longer indicate that the new city is built out of the twelve tribes of Israel, but out of the twelve main principles of My teachings, which are contained in the ten commandments of Moses and My two new commandments of love: since they are the gates through which the future people will come into the new city of God full of light and life.

54,9. Only those who will keep these My commandments, will come into the city, and light and life will be given to him; but those who will not keep the commandments, will not have access to this new city. Similarly, the twelve types of precious stones signify the same twelve commandments, from which the wall around the great city was built.

54,10. These twelve commandments are thus not only the entrance gates to the light and life for the people, but they are also their indestructible protection and shield, which the gates and powers of hell or the material worldliness will never be able to defeat and destroy.

54,11. At the same time you have noticed in the phenomenon, how the stones of the wall gave a strong light in all their colours. This signifies, that the twelve commandments given to you, contain all degrees of the divine wisdom, and therefore a person can only reach perfected wisdom by keeping the twelve commandments. Because in the commandments are contained all the wisdom out of God, and because all the wisdom of God is contained therein, also all divine power and strength is contained therein, and this therefore, because in these commandments the all-wise and almighty will and thereby the highest freedom is contained.

54,12. Whoever thus made the will of God his own through keeping the commandments, has also adopted the divine power and the divine freedom and has reached the state of the true rebirth of the spirit and is as a true child of God as perfect as the Father in Heaven Himself.

54,13. And I say now to you all, that you should strive already here on earth to become as perfect as the Father in Heaven is perfect by keeping the commandments precisely, then you will be able to do greater things than I have done now. And if you have reached this state, then you will already in advance be a citizen of the new Jerusalem. This is thus the meaning of the third phenomenon. – Have you all understood and comprehended this well?”

54,14. On this My explanation of the third phenomenon all eyes widened and they thought about it for a while, but were not quite sure to what extend they did understand this last explanation.

Chapter 55 – The right cognition of God’s wisdom through rebirth.

55,1. After a while of deeper reflection, Nicodemus said: “Lord and Master, extremely great and deep is what You just have so clearly told us, and I will forever not be able to thank You sufficiently; but because what You have said and shown to us is so extremely great and deep, I and perhaps a few others, have not so clearly comprehended this matter in its foundation. But I also realize that an additional explanation will not make this matter any clearer, and therefore I do not say: Lord, make this even more clearer and more comprehensible to me!”

55,2. Said I: “In that you are completely right. This matter cannot be made clearer for you and a few others; all this and countless more you will only understand if you have been reborn in the spirit.

55,3. My word and My sermons to you cannot be given through the normal manner of human speech and mankind’s worldly wisdom, but it consists in the proof of the spirit and its power which is completely unknown to you, so that your faith and your future knowledge is not based on the wisdom of spiritually blind people, but on the miraculous strength of the spirit out of God.

55,4. Now, this My manner to teach and to speak appears before the eyes of wise of the world as a folly, because they know nothing of the spirit and its strength and cannot observe it with their coarse senses; but My teaching is nevertheless the deepest wisdom of the highest level, but only before the eyes, ears and hearts of the perfected people who are of a good will and who keep the commandments of God at all times. But for the wise and famous of this world, who perish as their wisdom, My teaching is of course not that.

55,5. I speak to you about the hidden wisdom of God, which He already before the creation of this material world has prescribed for your eternal glory of life, which hidden wisdom has not been recognized by any Pharisee, no elder and scribe and senior of the temple by means of their worldly reason in the scriptures; because if they ever had recognized this hidden wisdom, they would not continuously contemplate on how they could kill and destroy Me, the Lord from eternity. But let them make plans and hold meetings; since like their activities, so will be their remuneration!

55,6. But to you I say, as it is written: “No human eye has ever seen, no ear heard, and in no human heart is it given, what God has prepared for them, who love Him and keep His commandments!”

55,7. What I reveal to you now, is revealed by the spirit of God to your spirit, so that also your spirit investigates and recognizes the depths in God. Since only the spirit sees through and explores all things and, thereby purified, also the depths of God. And therefore you do not receive from Me the spirit of the world, which you never need, but the spirit out of God, so that you out of this spirit can comprehend and understand completely, what is given to you by Me as from God.

55,8. I can therefore not talk to you about this in the manner of human wisdom, but only with words, which are taught by the spirit of God that judges all things spiritually, and thus you will not be able to completely understand Me, because your spirit has not yet fully filled your soul. But when your soul with all love and good free will, will be totally in the spirit out of God, which you receive now, then also you will judge all things out of yourself spiritually and recognize and understand everything, what still appears somewhat dark and incomprehensible to you.

55,9. Nevertheless, you already perceive something from the eternal true spirit of God and can also already judge a few things spiritually. But the completely natural person does not perceive anything from the spirit of God in him, and if you talk to him about it, it is a folly to him, as he does not have it in him, what his soul could judge spiritually. Because if a person wants to understand spiritual matters, his soul and everything must be completely spiritually orientated; since all life and all true light and all true strength lies only in the spirit, which alone judges everything and no one can oppose its judgement.

55,10. But the natural, still spiritless person is matter in judgement, and his natural life is given to him by the spirit of God as a means, so that through it he can awaken the true, spiritual life in him, if he wanted to. And so with his natural mind he can as such recognize the commandments of God and exercise the will to also keep them and live and act accordingly. And if he does this, the spirit of God penetrates his soul to such an extend as the soul has advanced with keeping the commandments of God and in the faith to the one God and the love to Him and his neighbour.

55,11. When a soul has strengthened itself therein to such an extend that it is impossible for it to fall back, then this is already proof that the spirit out of God has penetrated it fully, and has orientated its recognition and knowledge spiritually, and such a soul has thereby completely overcome its earlier dead matter and has become with the spirit of God which penetrated it, one spirit, one strength, one light and a true indestructible life for ever, which can never longer be judged by anyone.

55,12. And therefore you should above all search for the true Kingdom of God and its righteousness, everything else will given to you for free; since this will be done by the spirit of God in you. Do not at all worry about earthly things, not even about what you will eat and drink and with what you will clothe your body the coming day; because the heathens and other worldly people worry about this, who have never recognized the true God. If the true spirit in you has reached its full rebirth, so will you have reached everything what you require.

55,13. If you will walk and stay on My ways, as I am teaching and have taught you, you will also be in Me and My spirit in you, and with it you will be able to do everything, what its wisdom will tell you and its will in you wants. And thereby every necessary worldly care for the time of your earthly life has been given to you in the fullest measure.

55,14. Now you have learned from Me, what is possible for the spirit; but what is possible for My spirit, will also be possible for your spirit, if it becomes one with Me. But how it can become one with Me, I have told you many times before, and therefore do accordingly, and you will see this My promise becoming fully fulfilled within you!

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