And They Call US Crazy

2 years ago

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario "suggests" making being Un-V@xxed a Mental Disorder.
After TWO years of the SHEEPLE and brain-dead friends and family members calling us crazy already - denying the FACTS... denying our WARNINGS...
If you laughed at someone for WARNING you that the V@x is NOT a V@x and more of a Cl0t Sh0t and that it wont help anything..
TWO YEARS LATER they come out and state they never tested the FREE EXPERIMENTAL Government K!ll Shot De-population j@b if it stopped the spread or not.....
Wasnt that the reason all you SMUG - IGNORANT - ARROGANT sheep went and got it ??? To protect NANA ???

YOU GOT FOOLED ... not us !!!
There will be NO amnesty --- You owe the person in YOUR life that YOU made fun of an APOLOGY.....
or you stupid sheeple will do the same thing again and drag us awesome legend that still actually use our brains DOWN WITH YOU......

You got fooled - the evidence of "DIED SUDDENLY" in EVERY news article and sports person.... SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME was made up in the last 12 months...
do you understand that..... ?????
If you cant link the Cl0t sh0t and people like SHANE WARNE... "Get Vaccinated and learn to live with it " he said... hahahaha
I wondered how theyd hide all these sportstars dropping d3ad on the field....
and it was as simple as making up a new CATCH PHRASE.....
a new term .. just totally wiped out the FACT that ALL those SADS deaths are from the thing you better still not be denying to yourself .. that is doing it..

Miscarriages and still births up 500 % .. cancer too.. etc etc.....
83 people di3d FROM !!!1 not with CONvid in the last 3 years....
83 people .. for a 99.9% survivable common cold... and you call US crazy....

You OWE someone in YOUR life an APOLOGY... or this SH!T will not only happen again... but it wont stop from now...
digital passports... implant RFID gates ID20 program nano chip in your hand..
CARBON CREDITS !!!!!!! digital govt crypto coins with a time limit and where you can and cant spend.... CASHLESS SOCIETY will be brought in with a social credit score...
INTERNATIONAL travel Digital Certificate for EVERY country... wont be on your phone... will be in your HAND !!!

AND then this...... if you dont say sorry now to the person you made fun of for being right and having facts and a brain...
YOU will be the dumb SH!T that drags us all down during this... when the GOVT and your precious KOCHIE and TELL-LIE-VISION puppets... tell you the unv@xxed are nuts...

AFTER millions of D3ATHS from the Cl0t Sh0t.....

It's so important you start putting things together correctly in your own brain RIGHT NOW !!!

If you drive alone with a sign of the slave .. face muzzle on.
Or lining up for your booster that boosts NOTHING.... cause you can still get it and spread.. SOOOooo what are you boosting ?? NOTHING !!!
And if you cant see YOU were wrong and that THEY told us ....
You have to sit down to eat - during lockdown... and you complied..

That was the people doing this to us.. seeing how STUPID you all were and how much stupid SH!T you would be tricked in to doing..

MANDATE is NOT a LAW... just a direction... you feel for it... we didnt...

Time to say sorry..... sorry I fell for you have to sit down to eat cause the virus cant find you when you sit down... hahahah

just wake up... it's not that hard...


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