First, Do No Harm - Dr. Roger Hodkinson

2 years ago

Given the events in the healthcare industry over the past three years one might think that people would be ready to abandon that one characteristic Canadians have come to define themselves—socialized medicine. Instead, we find, regardless of the injuries and deaths directly attributable to it, Canadians cling to this immoral system.

At the top of this failed and disastrous Soviet-era style healthcare system stands the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons—crown agencies created by governments and led by political appointees, some of whom may be doctors, most of whom are not—your usual group of sycophantic Party supporters in it for the prestige and perks.

As our guest, pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson puts it, “Since COVID, because they’re manned by woke cubed individuals they have toed the government line meticulously. And so I take the position now that instead of protecting which was their traditional role which they did reasonably well they are now actually killing people. They are co-conspirators with government in state-sanctioned murder—period. Exactly the opposite of what their function used to be.”

Dr. Hodkinson, was a Fellow of the College of the American Pathologists until recently when they decided to “get rid” of him for ostensibly spreading “misinformation,” the usual Orwellian term used to label anyone with an opinion differing from that of the state.

Dr. Hodkinson continues to fight against the system and is now warning us of the tsunami of deaths to come from compromised immune systems resulting from the disastrous decisions of healthcare bureaucrats.

Completely disillusioned with federal politics he has turned his attention to his own province and is actively promoting the Alberta Prosperity Project—a society that promises to send a message to Ottawa that unless it allows that province to deal in its own way with Constitutionally-granted areas of provincial concern, including healthcare, outright separation from Confederation may result.

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