Dr Philip Ovadia, Cardiothoracic Surgeon and Author of "Stay Off My Operating Table"

2 years ago

Dr. Philip Ovadia is a cardiothoracic surgeon who found himself becoming morbidly obese and running the risk of ending up on his own operating table. He came across the ketogenic diet and the concept of carbohydrate restriction initially at a conference where Gary Taubes was talking. “What he was saying made a lot of sense”, Dr. Ovadia says and so he started researching more and reading Gary’s books and in the end adopted the diet and lifestyle changes for himself. Now he has lost more than 100 lbs and has taken his health back.

On top of his surgery practice, he now has a lifestyle consulting business where he helps people to get healthy and stay off his operating table. He has written a book to that effect, “Stay Off My Operating Table”, and you can learn more about him and even get in touch with him through his website

Dr Ovadia:



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Music track: Acoustic Breeze from Bensound.com

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