Description, traits, and information on the coconut octopus!

2 years ago

The medium-sized cephalopod Amphioctopus marginatus, sometimes referred to as the coconut octopus and the veined octopus, is a member of the Amphioctopus genus. It can be found in the western Pacific Ocean's tropical waters. It frequently feeds on shrimp, crabs, and clams and exhibits peculiar behavior such as walking on two legs and utilizing tools (gathering coconut shells and seashells and using these for shelter).

The octopus's main body is typically 8 centimeters (3 in) long, and when the limbs are added, it measures about 15 centimeters (6 in) long. The octopus has a characteristic color pattern that consists of a yellow siphon and dark ramified lines that resemble veins. The arms typically have contrast white suckers on black arms. A lighter trapezoidal region can be visible directly below in many color displays.

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